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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 332

In the middle of a bustling film set, tension had clawed its way to the center. Voices were raised, not in lines rehearsed but in earnest frustration aimed at Paulina, who had just reached a boiling point.

The cast and crew, under the guise of offering Paulina sage advice, were effectively scolding her for mixing personal drama with professional commitments. One moment she was accused of bullying Eileen, the next, of picking on Chester, the charming lead actor.

Standing amidst the chaos, Paulina trembled with fury. With a dramatic flair befitting her profession, she declared, "I'm done with this!" before storming off to her trailer.

As she exited stage left, Chester's eyes glistened with unshed tears. Facing the crowd, he bowed deeply, apologizing with a soft-spoken, "I'm terribly sorry, everyone."

The crew waved off his apologies, their sympathies quickly shifting as they consoled him, united in their belief that Paulina had crossed a line.

Eileen, observing from the sidelines with a calculated squint, couldn't help but ponder Chester's motives. He had been playing a dangerous game, prodding Paulina while simultaneously playing the victim. What exactly was his endgame? Surely, he was more than just a jerk and a manipulator.

Interrupting her thoughts, a voice called out, "Director, should we try to smooth things over with Ms. Paulina?"

Just yesterday, when Paulina threatened to walk, the whole team had cajoled her back to the set, treating her like royalty. But today, Carrol's patience had worn thin. "To hell with it!" he barked. "If she doesn't want to shoot, fine by me!"

Spotting Eileen in the corner, he commanded, "Let's shoot Eileen and Chester's scene first!"

As the set was being rearranged, Eileen and Chester began to block their movements on stage. Suddenly, Chester yelled, "Watch out!" and leapt in front of Eileen, just as a vase came crashing down from a bookshelf, striking him on the head.

The prop master, pale as a ghost, rushed over with profuse apologies. "Mr. Chester, I am so, so sorry!"

Chester, rubbing his head with a grin, reassured him, "No worries, but do be careful. I can take a hit, but we can't have the ladies getting hurt."

Turning to Eileen with equal concern, the prop master repeated, "Ms. Lopez, I apologize."

Eileen waved it off nonchalantly.

Once the prop master left, Chester winced, touching his head once more. "That's gonna hurt."

His eyes flickered to Eileen, silently beckoning her concern. She obliged, asking, "Does it hurt much?"

Chester managed a pained smile. "Feels like it's swelling."

Eileen replied with a deadpan, "Did you ever consider that the vase might be in more pain than you? Poor thing."

Chester was taken aback, left speechless as Eileen, muttering under her breath, walked away with her script.

The filming proceeded smoothly thereafter. Eileen's lines were delivered with impeccable skill, and Chester performed adequately, allowing them to nail the scene on the first take.

Afterwards, Chester sidled up to Eileen and murmured, "It's a shame that beautiful moments are so fleeting."

Eileen cast him a sideways glance.

"If only Ms. Lopez were the lead," Chester continued, "we'd have so many more scenes together, spending every day side by side."

Eileen replied coolly, "Funny, Mr. Chester, I was thinking something similar. If only Mr. Chester weren't the lead, then we'd never have to see each other again. It'd be a peaceful existence."

Chester's frown deepened. "Ms. Lopez, I'm not sure what you've been told, but you seem to have problems with me today?"

Eileen laughed, "Yeah, Ms. Paulina mentioned something."

Chester, unphased by the prospect of being exposed, grew serious. "If it's about Ms. Paulina, let me explain. There's nothing between us. She fancies me, sure, and I've turned her down. But you know how she is—domineering, stubborn. She's targeted you because she knows I'm into you, and I've asked her to stop. Maybe that's why she's so upset today and even hit me."

Eileen shook her head in disbelief at Chester's blatant lies.

"So, you're saying that all this was just Ms. Paulina acting alone?"

"Of course!" Chester insisted.

Eileen nodded. "I see."

Chester breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you believe me."

Eileen didn't respond, only scoffed as she left to change.

After changing, Eileen checked her phone to find a lengthy WhatsApp message from Gentry, filled with text and photos. After digesting the content, she marched straight to Paulina's trailer.

Paulina had been holed up inside, sulking, and despite the crowd's attempts, she refused to emerge. Chester, too, stood outside, his apologies as pitiful as his demeanor.

Eileen ignored him and knocked on the door. Silence followed until she announced, "It's me."

The door creaked open after a moment, revealing a teary-eyed Paulina.


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