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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 39

"Sawyer, do you even know what you're talking about?" Bartley slammed the door behind him and grabbed the tablet out of Sawyer's hands.

"Hey, I wasn't done with that." Sawyer grumbled, noticing Bartley's scowl, he added, "I need to know your enemy before I can understand this woman's background."

"The problem isn’t her." Bartley murmured, "It's Mr. Reed."

Sawyer eyed his overly serious younger brother and snorted, "You're really going all out to protect her."

Bartley frowned, "Don't talk like that. Ms. Lopez is very professional."

Sawyer scoffed, "I'll come to the set with you tomorrow. I want to meet her myself."

Bartley responded, "Our set is not open to outsiders."

"I'll find a way." Sawyer said, then leaned in close and squinted at Bartley, "You're not falling for this Eileen, are you?"

"No way!" Bartley's cheeks flushed, quickly adding, "I just admire her professional skills. We're both newbies, but her acting is way better than mine. I'm more nervous acting with her than with those seasoned actors."

Sawyer gave a cold laugh, clearly not taking it seriously, "We'll see about that tomorrow."

The next day, as soon as Eileen arrived on set, she noticed the atmosphere was off.

Lenwood spotted her and called out, "Eileen, come here."

Eileen rushed over and saw a man standing next to Lenwood. The man was in his twenties, handsome with a well-tailored suit, but his eyes had a hint of rebellious charm.

"This is Mr. Saul. He's decided to invest half a million in our project." Lenwood said, grinning from ear to ear, then pointing at Eileen, he introduced her to the new investor, "This is the leading lady of our show, Eileen."

“Nice to meet you." Mr. Saul smiled, extending his hand for a brief handshake.

After the handshake, Mr. Saul said, "Lenwood, I'd like to take a look around the set, is that okay?"

"Of course, right this way." Lenwood said.

Once they left, Eileen went to her makeup artist. Halfway through her makeup, Bartley came over and started chatting with her, "Ms. Lopez, have you had breakfast?"

"Yeah, I did." Eileen replied casually.

Bartley looked behind him, "Seems like we've got a new investor. I didn't expect that, since we already started shooting. With this money, I wonder if the director will rent a dressing room and makeup room. It's really inconvenient to do makeup in the corner, and without a dressing room, it's not convenient for the cast to change."

Eileen just smiled and didn't respond. Seeing she wasn't interested in chatting, Bartley stopped talking.

Soon, shooting began but Eileen noticed the new investor was still on set, even sitting in the director's chair. Was he trying to interfere with the production?

Luckily, once shooting started, the investor didn't interfere too much.

After the first round of shooting, Bartley had two NGs, while everyone else nailed it on the first try.

During lunch break, Lenwood announced some good news. They had rented a large house nearby to serve as their costume and makeup room, which also included separate dressing rooms for men and women.

Everyone was thrilled. Bartley walked up to Eileen and hinted, "Now it'll be more convenient for us to change clothes, we don't have to borrow dressing rooms from other sets."

Eileen glanced at him, then at Saul, who had similar features to Bartley, and scoffed, "Mr. Saul, you've really gone to great lengths."


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