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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 45

Once the teams were decided, the ten attractions were fairly divided, and the three teams were ready to roll.

When Eileen was heading out with her luggage, she spotted Egbert following her with an indifferent look.

The more Eileen looked at him, the more annoyed she got. As they left the airport, Bblythe suddenly dashed over.

Eileen gave Bblythe the cold shoulder, but Bblythe sauntered over and gently bumped Eileen’s shoulder.

Bblythe smiled and asked, “How about our teams join forces?”

Eileen glanced at Bblythe. Although she was originally on a team with Egbert, if she could team up with Bblythe and Josiah, they would still be together and could avoid the hassle of dealing with Hubery and Aurora. She was a tad relieved.

Bblythe turned to Egbert, “Mr. Reed, you don’t mind, do you?”

Egbert didn’t respond, and just gave her a cold stare.

Josiah chimed in, “Well, if no one opposes, let’s stick together. Eileen, shall we find a place to stay first?”

Egbert gave Josiah an icy glance, then took a mask out of his pocket and put it on his face, without saying another word.

After the guests had all gone their own ways, the production team started their meeting, “The live room has been divided into three different live rooms. But since Eileen’s team and Bblythe’s team are working together, their live content overlaps. But Director, weren’t we planning to hype up the romance between Aurora and Egbert?”

The director frowned, “We'll deal with that next episode.”

The staff were somewhat surprised, “Next episode?”

The director said, “Anyway, Aurora is a new regular guest, she will be here next episode. Didn’t you see? Egbert is upset. We didn’t tell him in advance that Aurora was coming, and he must have figured out our intention. Under such circumstances, we shouldn’t push him too hard, otherwise, we might offend him.”

The staff asked, “What about Aurora? We promised to put her in the same group with Egbert as much as possible. Her PR team even has a hot topic prepared.”

“'As much as possible' is not 'definitely',” the director said casually, “If we upset Aurora, that’s acceptable. But we can’t afford to upset Egbert. Have someone tell Aurora that we'll make arrangements for her in the next episode. She’s smart. She must have noticed that Egbert dislikes her. After the show, she should have her management team negotiate with Egbert’s team separately.”

Regardless of the internal discussions of the production team, the team divisions were finalized. After the live room was divided into three, the popularity data of the three live rooms could be compared immediately.

Egbert’s live room had the highest popularity, Aurora’s was second, and Bblythe’s was third.

Since Eileen knew they were going to Tokyo, she had prepared in advance. As soon as they left the airport, she led everyone straight to the hotel. The rooms were shared, Eileen and Bblythe in one, Egbert and Josiah in the other. This way, they saved half of the accommodation costs.

After settling in, Eileen suggested they visit an attraction in the afternoon.

After the ten attractions were divided, each team was responsible for three, but Josiah, being generous, volunteered to take on an extra attraction. So now, the four of them were responsible for seven attractions.

After a quick lunch, Eileen led the team to the nearest attraction - Nihon Nature Reserve.

However, when they arrived and were about to take photos, they were told by the staff, “This attraction doesn’t count.”

Josiah asked in confusion, “Why?”

The staff replied, “Hubery’s team has already checked in here this morning.”

Josiah frowned, “Weren’t their three attractions the Osaka Museum, a temple, and an observation deck? Why would they come to the Nihon Nature Reserve?”

Bblythe said coldly, “There are ten attractions in total, and each team has designated places to visit. Why would anyone try to steal from others?”

Josiah’s face darkened, he made a call but no one picked up. “Hubery isn’t answering, I’ll try Ms. Aurora.” However, when he called Aurora, no one answered either.

Josiah’s face turned even grimmer: “Even if they wanted to change attractions, they should have communicated with us. What do we do now?”

Eileen frowned, put down her camera, and suggested coldly, “Blossom Bridge Park is not far from here. Let’s go there.”

The staff then said, “They’ve checked in at Blossom Bridge Park as well.”

“They can’t just...”


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