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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 58

After the news was sent out, two minutes passed before someone responded.

Phyllis: "What?"

Eileen: "I won't be on the next issue."

Bblythe: "No way!"

Josiah: "WTF?"

Bblythe: "Was it that bitch's doing?"

Phyllis: "Wow, Bblythe's swearing now?!"

Eileen: "@Bblythe, The production team didn't say why. I guess maybe they didn't want to give me a raise, so they replaced me."

Josiah: "Yeah, Eileen's popularity has increased, she should get a raise. By how much? Usually, it's around 30%."

Eileen: "Maybe they thought my raise was too high, so they didn't want to."

Josiah: "How much were you asking for?"

Eileen: "My agent said at least five times more."

Josiah, Bblythe, and Phyllis were all a bit speechless.

Josiah: "Half a million dollars? Yeah, that's a bit steep…"

Eileen: "It's ten thousand dollars."

Josiah: "What?"

Bblythe: "You are joking, right?"

Phyllis: "Really?"

Eileen: "My previous salary was two thousand dollars per episode, now I want to increase it to ten thousand dollars per episode, and the production team disagreed."

Bblythe: "How the hell did you accept two thousand dollars before?"

Eileen: "I was short of money at that time."

Bblythe: "Even if you were desperate, you shouldn't have accepted that price… But I won't be on the next episode either, my agent is discussing the termination of the contract."

Bblythe: "@Josiah, only you and Egbert are left. Good luck."

At the other end of the city, in a luxurious, spacious apartment, Egbert, bare-chested with a towel wrapped around his waist. He had just come out of the bathroom when he heard his phone ringing on the bed.

He walked over, picked up the phone, and glanced at the group chat. As he read, his expression gradually turned cold. After a while, he made a call.

Eileen wasn't upset about not being able to participate in the variety show. If the production team thought she wasn't worth ten thousand dollars and wanted to replace her, there was nothing she could do.

She mentioned it in the group chat because they had all been getting along very well, like friends. Since she wasn't going to be on the next issue, she thought she should let her friends know.

After notifying everyone in the group chat, Eileen put the matter aside.

Several days of shooting had passed, and Eileen had also forgotten about this matter until Lenwood suddenly asked her about it, "Eileen, aren't you supposed to be recording the variety show tomorrow?"

"I'm not going anymore." Eileen was sitting on a small stool reading a script, she looked up and said, "I won't be on the show starting from this episode."

Lenwood was surprised: "Why aren't you going? I saw your show, it's quite popular."

Eileen shrugged: "The contract renewal didn't go well, so I'm not going."


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