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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 65

Elaine frowned, asking in confusion, "How did you?"

"Prize money!" The girl opposite her suddenly rushed over, grabbing Elaine's shoulder with a force that was somewhat terrifying. "There's prize money? How much? How much? Tell me, how much is it?"

Elaine was shaken until she felt dizzy, stammering out, "First place,one hundred thousand dollars."

The shaking suddenly stopped.

Elaine, dizzy, managed to stand up straight. When she lifted her eyes, she saw Eileen look at her with fierce anticipation.

"We have to come first! If you mess me up and cost me the prize money, I'll throw you to the wolves!" Eileen warned her.

Elaine was left totally clueless by the outburst.

She angrily pushed Eileen's hand away, heading straight forward. "I won't mess you up, just don't mess with me! I'm also aiming for first place. If I can't get first, then I might as well be last. What are you doing?"

Elaine was suddenly pulled back.

Turning to look, it was Eileen who had grabbed her backpack.

Eileen quickly snatched Elaine's backpack, slinging it over her own shoulders. "I'll carry the bag. I'll scout ahead, you just follow behind and don't lag. For a hundred grand, I'm all in!"

Elaine was stunned and wanted to reach for her bag, but a thin branch smacked her hand back. Her hand turned red instantly.

Eileen turned to her with a fierce look, "Touch my stuff again, and I'll smack you!"

Elaine was speechless.

The stuff in the bag belonged to both of them. And as a soldier, she would definitely prioritize a civilian's needs. Was she worried Elaine would take the stuff for herself?

Elaine's face darkened, wondering what Mr. Reed saw in this girl.

But as Eileen had already assumed the role of leader, Elaine decided not to argue and quietly followed behind.

It was almost noon.

The sun above them felt like it was baking them alive.

They had walked for a while, and the heat was getting worse.

Elaine had already taken off her coat, revealing the camouflage tank top underneath.

Seeing Eileen still didn't intend to stop, she couldn't help but suggest, "Let's take a break."

The girl in front turned around to give her a disdainful look.

Elaine hesitated, then explained, "I'm not trying to slack off. It's February now, and we're in the southern hemisphere, in Brazil. It's summer here, and the temperature in the rainforest can vary greatly between day and night. Right now, it's the hottest point of the day, almost 40 degrees Celsius. If we keep going, we'll get dehydrated."

Eileen saw that Elaine was indeed sweating a lot and said irritably, "Why are you so weak?"

Elaine retorted, "I'm not weak." She hadn't finished speaking when she saw Eileen's sweat-free forehead and shut up.

She was surprised. This girl had incredible stamina and physical strength.

Eileen finally stopped to accommodate Elaine. She opened the backpack to check their supplies.

Aside from some necessary ropes, a lighter, a flashlight, and other common tools, there were only two bottles of water, two packs of compressed biscuits, and two sleeping bags in the backpack.

Eileen was surprised, "Is that all?"

Elaine wanted to grab a biscuit, but her hand was slapped away just as it touched the food.

Elaine withdrew her hand, complaining, "Why did you hit me?"

Eileen frowned, zipping up the backpack, "We can't eat these. We have to save them!"

Elaine frowned, "The biscuits and water are our food for the day. We can set traps to hunt at night. There are wild chickens and other animals in the forest. We can get food by tomorrow morning."

"What if there's no food?" Eileen looked around, finally pointing to a large tree not far away, "We can eat that."

Elaine looked over, "Do you know what that is? The flora and fauna in the rainforest can be very dangerous. If you eat something poisonous, you might."

"That's an Ink Berry. It tastes sour, and the skin and seeds can be used as medicine. It's a common herb, and edible, not poisonous," Eileen cut her off.

Elaine was taken aback, looking at Eileen in confusion, "You can recognize herbs?"


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