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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 69

-- "I'm lost."

-- "What is she babbled about?"

-- "If you're scared, then don't come!"

-- "What's this woman's name again? So annoying! I want to curse her but can't find out her name!"

Hedy thought her plan was bulletproof. This guy was a well-known actor, and surely he must be a gentleman. All she needed to do was to act a little weak and pitiful. Even though she had made mistakes, she just needed to act cute, which she was damn good at. She reckoned Egbert would take pity on her and want to protect her in the future.

After all, which strong man wouldn't want a woman to rely on him?

Hedy was brimming with confidence, but the look in this man's eyes was like a dagger. It cut right into her soul.

It felt like being marked by the Grim Reaper!

His voice was as cold as an ice shard in winter.

"Beat it."

Hedy was flabbergasted.

Was Egbert telling her to beat it?

She couldn't believe her ears. "How could you be so rude to a girl you just met? You're a famous actor!"

-- "Is she trying to blackmail him?"

-- "Her IQ is seriously questionable."

-- "I really want to storm in there and cut her down!"

Egbert's impatience was becoming palpable.

At that moment, Eileen commented casually, "You really shouldn't talk to a girl you just met like that."

As soon as Eileen said this, both Egbert and Hedy turned to her.

Hedy was elated, thinking Eileen was on her side. If she got hurt in the jungle, her parents would definitely make this jerk pay.

Hedy smirked arrogantly, but then Eileen added, "You shouldn't talk to her at all. You're in my house. Who said you could talk to people like that?"

Egbert stared at Eileen, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

After a moment, he said gently, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Eileen replied coldly, "As long as you know," then stood up and told Hedy, "You, get out of my house. The further away, the better. Leave, now."

Hedy's face fell. She ignored Eileen's insult and retorted, "What do you mean, 'your house'? Is this jungle yours?"

Eileen laughed. "You dare to talk back?"

Hedy clenched her teeth. She couldn't leave. Who knew if there would be wolves out there? She insisted, "I'm not leaving!"

Eileen suddenly said, "Fine, you can stay."

Before Hedy could feel relieved, she saw Eileen pick up a burning branch and walk towards her.

"What are you doing?"

Eileen's eyes sparkled with mischief. She grabbed Hedy's collar with one hand and set Hedy's clothes on fire with the burning branch.

Suddenly, Hedy's clothes were ablaze.

She screamed.

Eileen quickly let go of her.

Hedy frantically beat at her clothes, trying to put out the flames, but to no avail. She ran wildly, eventually falling to the ground and rolling around until the fire was finally out.

Hedy was covered in dirt, her clothes half burned off. She stared at Eileen in disbelief, shouting, "You're insane!"

Eileen stood aloof, hands in her pockets, saying leisurely, "I said you could stay, but I didn't say whether it'd be you or your ashes. I just saved you some trouble by cremating you in advance. Are you satisfied?"


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