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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 8

He put on a friendly face, but behind it, he's a different person. His act was so smooth.

Josiah suddenly thought of Hubery's complaint about Eileen, saying she was deliberately targeting him. Could it be that Eileen had seen through Hubery's true colors, hence her hostile attitude towards him? Once he thought about it this way, everything started to make sense.

A hundred euros, less than an hour, all that's left is twenty-five.

At night, everyone gathered in the boys' room to plan the next day's tour. The programme required visiting five attractions. But no matter how they calculated it, the budget was just not enough. Just the cost of transportation to the first attraction for the six of them would be over thirty euros.

Then, an indifferent male voice suddenly interrupted, "What about the bus?"

The one who spoke was Egbert. All eyes turned to him.

Hubery turned around with a bitter smile, "We're not locals. The routes are complicated. We might get lost and end up wasting time and money."

Egbert glanced at Hubery and then remained silent.

Hubery hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'll go check out the bus routes then." His expression indicated that he was forced into this.

Egbert's eyebrows furrowed slightly. Josiah and Bblythe exchanged glances. Here goes Hubery again, playing the victim. Only Phyllis was clueless.

While lying lazily on a couch in the corner, Eileen was flipping through the hotel brochure, completely uninvolved in the discussion.

Hubery started to search for information, but he didn't understand French, and the translation software couldn't accurately translate, so he was having a headache. In the end, he couldn't find anything.

Everyone was busy for an hour and they were all tired. Josiah said, "Let's take a break. We can check again in the morning."

The girls went back to their rooms. The next day, Hubery woke up and suddenly said, "Sorry, I think I caught a cold."

Josiah frowned, "Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Hubery coughed, "Maybe I was up too late last night researching and didn't realize the balcony was cold. I think I'll lay down a little longer, you guys go ahead and discuss the route."

Josiah looked at Hubery deeply before turning to Egbert, "Mr. Reed, shall we go?"

Egbert picked up his jacket, didn't even look at Hubery, and said, "Sure."

The two guys went to the girls' room. When they heard Hubery was sick and couldn't come to discuss the route, Bblythe snorted.

Eileen's lips also curled up a bit. Only Phyllis was confused and worried, "Oh no, he's sick. I'll go check on him." She then ran out.

The remaining four in the room, all savvy, Josiah said in front of the camera, "Hubery has been working too hard. We can't always rely on him. There are times when he's not up to it. I think we should stop bothering him with the main tasks." This was basically saying that Hubery was shirking his responsibilities.

But without Hubery, they still needed someone to make decisions. No one wanted to disturb Egbert, so Josiah and Bblythe turned to Eileen, "Eileen, what do you think?"

Eileen was eating some snack she found somewhere and casually said, "I'm just a pawn, it's up to you guys."

Bblythe laughed, "Don't be ridiculous, we're all here for the show together. You're still Travel Concierge."

"I'm not Travel Concierge, I’m a pretty face, and I'm a servant."

Phyllis came back and heard Eileen's words, sat down next to Bblythe looking puzzled, but then she suddenly asked, "Where did you get those cookies! Give me one! I'm starving!"

Eileen swallowed the last piece of her snack, took a sip of her water, and said, "I ate them all."


Bblythe held back Phyllis, she got up, walked over and patted Eileen's back, "Don't be mad, we're all here to have fun, we're all friends. What's your opinion?"

Eileen still shook her head, "Even though I do have a solution, but, I'm not in charge, I’m only a servant."

"You have a solution?" Josiah immediately asked.

Eileen turned her face away, "No, a servant doesn't have a right to have a solution."


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