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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 82

The sky was gloomy with hints of faint light.

When Eileen stepped out of her tent, she saw Egbert coming out of the tent next to hers. Burton was standing by the fire, pointing in a direction, saying, "The noise came from over there."

Eileen squinted towards that direction. Then she walked over to Burton and asked, "How many times did it sound?"

As Burton turned to look at her, ready to answer, he suddenly choked on his words. He stared at Eileen's face in shock, looking like he'd been struck by lightning.

The folks in the comments section looked like they'd been struck by lightning as well.

Eileen looked at Burton, puzzled, "What's with that face? You have seen a ghost?"

Burton took several steps back, pointing at her face, asking in terror, "Are...are you crying?"

By this point, Egbert had joined them. He looked at Eileen's bloodshot eyes and froze.

Eileen casually wiped her face and said, "I slept in a weird position and squished my eye. I'm not crying. Are you brainless?"

Burton, being criticized, quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I must have seen it wrong."

Egbert stayed silent, frowning. He looked at her stubborn little face, knowing full well she had been crying.

But why?

-[Can squishing your eye make it look like that?]

-[She's definitely been crying, her nose is all red.]

-[She does look like she's been crying, but here's a small question, why was she crying? Did my injuring two people today upset her?]


-[So it seems, the only explanation is that she squished her eye.]

"Boom!" That loud noise sounded again.

Eileen, Egbert, and Burton all looked in that direction. Egbert said in a low voice, "It's a gunshot."

Eileen picked up a sniper rifle from the ground, "I'll go check it out." And without waiting for a response, she ran off.

"I'm coming too!" Burton was about to follow her with his light machine gun when he was suddenly stopped. Looking back, he saw Egbert with a serious face, grabbing the gun from his hands and following Eileen.

"Hey..." Burton called out, but all he could do was watch as they left.

Eileen moved quickly. The morning jungle was filled with mist, making it hard for her to see the path ahead, but she could hear the birds and animals startled by the gunshots.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The sound of something being smashed.

Eileen finally reached the source of the noise. She carefully hid in some bushes, looking at the group of men and women who were only covered in animal skins. She was stunned.


-[Oh my god!]

-[Am I dreaming? Cavemen?!]

-[Indeed, there are many primitive tribes in the Amazon jungle, but they all live deep in the forest and rarely appear on the outskirts.]

-[Meeting tribal natives in the morning, what a wake-up call! What are they doing? Chopping trees?]


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