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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1946

In the living room, half a dozen women were lounging about, all dressed scantily for the warm climate. When Lambert walked in, they rose to their feet and swarmed around him.

Encircled by the group of women, Lambert turned to Sylvia with a perplexed look. "Ms. Beverly, what's the meaning of this?"

Sylvia gave him a sly smile. "Knowing Mr. Brennan's penchant for pretty ladies, this is a little welcome gift from Alvis. Enjoy!"

With a nod, Sylvia left the room, leaving Lambert somewhat stunned.

Lately, Lambert hadn't taken much interest in female company and tried to make his exit, but the women were not having it.

"Mr. Brennan, don't go!"

"We've been waiting for you!"

"We've heard about Mr. Brennan is blessed with unique… talents. Any chance we might witness that today?"

The six women came from a mix of ethnic backgrounds and spoke various languages, some in native English and some in broken Chinese, as they nudged Lambert toward the plush couch in the center of the room.

The couch was huge, swallowing Lambert as he sank into it. Before he could utter a word, one of the women boldly took a seat on his lap.

Sylvia had just returned to the banquet hall when she noticed Estelle looking around, seemingly in search of someone.

"Looking for Mr. Brennan?" Sylvia asked with a warm smile.

"Yes, have you seen him?" Estelle replied.

Even if she was currently annoyed with him, she felt for the compel to ensure his safety.

"I last saw Mr. Brennan heading to the suites with two companions. They probably went to rest after a few drinks," Sylvia chuckled lightly. "Best not to disturb them now!"

Estelle’s brow raised in silent exasperation at the rake's unceasing antics.

"Thanks, I've got it!"

Sylvia watched her with a gentle gaze. "You're welcome."


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