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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1955

Seated at the dining table, Estelle felt her appetite diminish. She finished her soup quickly and rose to her feet, saying, "Excuse me, folks, I need to go upstairs to grab something!"

Lambert stood up as well, "I'm going to change into something more comfortable. Mr. Alvis, do you mind waiting?"

Then he turned and left.

Jonathan frowned deeply, his gaze boring into Lambert's retreating back as if trying to pierce through it.

Sylvia couldn't help but chuckle.

His eyes flicked her way, "Is it funny?"

"Not at all!" Sylvia shook her head, "I was just thinking Estelle is really lucky."

Jonathan's gaze softened, but his stoic expression remained unchanged.

Once inside her room, Lambert followed close behind. "We're meeting Raiden together this time," he instructed. "Stick with me and don't go wandering off alone again. Be cautious around Raiden and keep an eye on Alvis too."

Estelle arched an eyebrow, "What's with Alvis?"

"I may be mistaken, but I sense hostility from him," Lambert guessed with a frown.

"Didn’t you say he liked you? " Estelle asked seriously.

Lambert shrugged, "Maybe I read him wrong. But I do get the vibe he's targeting me. Maybe he's worried I'll charm away his companion with my dashing good looks?"

Estelle held back a laugh, nodding sagely, "Could be. You might want to tone down the charm and give them less attention."

"Pssh!" Lambert dismissed the comment with a sneer, "My companion is second to none. He's just being presumptuous!"

His looked at Estelle and said, "But seriously, Alvis is a sly one. Don’t get too close to him."

Estelle nodded, "Got it. You can head out; I'll be down in a moment."


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