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Gorgeous Couple’s Sweet Love novel Chapter 160

"What do you mean about my company?" I asked with a suppressed voice.

Could it be that the bankruptcy had nothing to do with him?

I've heard too many lies from Benjamin to believe him but now I somehow started to hesitate.

He had no reason to lie to me.

He humbly pleaded, "I just wanna see Emy."

I hung up the phone directly. I couldn't take Emy back to City B. I had to keep her in Ireland.

I couldn't risk losing her.

After Ellis finished his finals, I would let Diego take him back to City B, and Anthony would also come to Ireland.

I asked Anthony, "You're always alone in City B, or why don't you stay with us studying in Ireland?"

Anthony refused me. "There are advantages in City B."

Anthony stayed for a week before he left. According to him, he had his own arrangements and study.

After the summer vacation, Diego took Ellis back to Ireland. Ellis told me, "Benjamin asked me if Emy is beautiful and how tall she is, and if she can say the word 'dad'. I told him yes for the first two questions but not the last one.

Ellis shouldn't have been involved or caught between in all of this mess but I had no other choice.

After spending a year in Ireland, Emy had turned two years old. She could already talk and her own way of thinking. She could understand most of our words and was curious about everything that went on around her.

At that time, Ellis was in fifth grade. During the latter half a year, he went back to City B three times. He would stay with Benjamin for one week or two every time.

Hernando would come to Ireland about three or four times a week, staying at our house for about a month every time.

There was a big change in the year. The case in Glestin had gradually become clear as the evidence resurfaced. The contents of the flash drive pointed directly at Janse, and James led us to Victoria and Teresa.

After the New Year, I brought Emy, Ellis, and Anthony to travel around the world. I took Emy back into Ireland and Ellis and Anthony back to City B when it was summer.

After leaving City B for a year and a half, I felt lost and powerful at the same time when I set foot on this land again.

Diego sent Ellis back to Benjamin. I took Anthony directly back to the Shears house, and Anthony helped me carry my suitcase. I reached out and rubbed his head and asked, "What will you do during the summer vacation?"

"I'll wait for the results of SAT." Anthony's forehead was damp with sweat. He explained in a gentle voice, "I'll take some pre-college courses with Dr. Ashton after I file in my applications for colleges."

Actually, Anthony didn't have to file in at all. He had already been admitted to quite a few top colleges already. He took the SAT when we were traveling around the world. With his IQ, he really didn't have to spend too much time studying to get into the college he wanted to.

I asked with a smile, "Which college do you want to go to?"

Anthony walked into the villa with the suitcase in his hand and replied, "I'm not sure, somewhere done south, maybe. I'm thinking City S and City H now. I prefer City S. It's quiet there."

Anthony meditated for a while and said, "Then again, there's still a chance that I might go to City H."

I asked in surprise, "You're not planning to stay in City B?"

"City B is not suitable for people to live at all." Anthony licked his lips and said firmly, "Aunt, I want to go to a quiet city."

I smiled and said, "Well, it's up to you."

After having lunch with me, I drove him to the training center. I accompanied him at the training center for a while, waiting for Diego.

I said goodbye to Anthony and left. When I was in the car, Diego said, "Ellis had a photo of Emy with him. I think he might wanna give the photo to Mr. Dunn but I didn't stop him."

"Well, it's okay." I thought for a moment and then said, "Don't involve children in adults' matters. You don't have to report what Ellis does to me. He might be a kid but he knows what he's doing."

Diego replied, "Okay, I got it."

"How's the thing going recently?" I asked.

Diego explained, "Janse is currently locked up in the police station, and the Heaney sisters cannot be detained because of their family's power. I'm waiting for your permission. As long as you say so, I can proceed with the Dunns and Heaneys."


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