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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 214

Agnes didn't utter a single word the whole time, but she was very sad.

Jared was planning to move out. She felt like he was convinced she and Ryder were having a secret affair.

After dinner, Agnes didn't want to stay in her room.

She was feeling way too suffocated.

So, she went out to the yard.

There was a marble bench in the yard.

Agnes sat down, staring blankly at the night sky.

Oscar came over and nudged Agnes's ankle with his nose.

Agnes looked down, giving Oscar's fluffy head a pat.

"What's up?"

Agnes had no idea how long she'd been sitting there.

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind her.

Agnes turned her head and it was Ryder.

Agnes suddenly stood up.

For some reason, she was feeling a little nervous.

Probably because she knew Jared had misinterpreted their relationship, Agnes was feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Agnes gave a small smile: "Nothing, just hanging out with Oscar."

Ryder also came over, squatted down, patted Oscar, and asked, "I was asking about you and Jared, what's up?"

Agnes didn't expect Ryder to ask that.

Agnes tried to sound as normal as possible: "We're fine, why do you ask?"

"I can tell, he's not in a good mood."

Actually, Jared was acting no different from usual, Agnes had no idea how Ryder noticed.


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