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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 406

Under the moonlight, the courtyard was dead quiet.

Everything seemed to have frozen in place.

Agnes and Alyssa were only two meters apart.

Their eyes met, yet it felt like a chasm was between them.

Alyssa saw Julia from many years ago standing in front of her.

Agnes's eyes resembled Julia's when she was young.

They appeared calm, but were actually stormy inside.

Memories from the past hit her like a tidal wave.

Alyssa didn't want to remember and woke up from the reverie.

She closed her eyes.

When she opened them again, they were filled with pain, "Yeah, your mom committed suicide years ago and I was partly to blame. I thought it was all water under the bridge and no one would bring it up again. But lo and behold, Jared married Julia's daughter. What a farcical twist of fate! How ridiculously ironic!"

As she spoke, Alyssa seemed to find it amusing.

Each of her words felt like a knife stabbing into Agnes.

At that moment, her words were piercing Agnes's heart sentence by sentence.

Alyssa turned around, "From the moment I found out you were Julia's daughter, I knew this day would come. I didn't expect it to come so soon though. Agnes, yes, I was the one who drove Julia to her death. I despised her back then, but I regret it now. I regret it deeply."

Alyssa seemed like a different person.

She leaned against the cherry tree next to her.

Her eyes were welled up with tears, "I was young and reckless then, made many mistakes. The person I feel most guilty about in this world is your mom. Now, I don't want to make excuses for myself. You can take your revenge on me however you like, but I won't allow you to harm Jared in any way."

Deep down, Agnes was still holding onto a glimmer of hope.


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