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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 902

Ryder broke the silence, his voice revealing an unexpected respect for alternative medicine. "Look, I'm trained in conventional medicine, but sometimes, those herbal medicine can knock out problems we can't even touch. Dr. Hanson, he saved my life once, and his skills... well, they're legendary. If he thinks he can help Nocturne, then that’s great

He paused, his expression clouding over. "Truth be told, I'm just feeling beat. After all this time, I still can't crack the formula for an effective treatment."

Agnes rushed to reassure him. "Don't talk like that, Ryder. I'm so grateful for everything you've done. You opened a window of hope for Nocturne's life. Without you, I wouldn't have had the courage to face this disease. Back in Manhattan, your dedication was the light at the end of the tunnel for me. It kept me going, Ryder. Please, don't lose sight of that."

Her words were heartfelt, each one weighted with sincerity.

It took Ryder a long while to respond. "Actually, my dream is to pour investments into Starling City, to build the largest pharmaceutical research institute domestically. I've been acquiring companies, scooping up research facilities... all with the hope that one day, we could find a cure for Nocturne's condition."

Agnes was stunned.

She had no idea that his aggressive takeover of the Harmony Hollow project from the Tim Group and his acquisitions in the pharmaceutical sector had been driven by this single cause.

"You've done all this... for Nocturne?" she asked, barely able to believe it.

"Nocturne was just the catalyst," he admitted. "I've spent years, given my all to studying this sleeping sickness, and I can't reconcile with coming up empty-handed."

With a sigh, Agnes said, "If you're still passionate about research, why not return to the Novy Medical Team? That's where your heart truly lies, isn't it?"

The concern was evident in her voice.

Ryder met her gaze. "I've realized my own limitations. Medical research, like everything else, needs solid financial backing. If I can't do it alone, I'll engage the best minds from around the world. It increases our chances of success."


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