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His Ex-Wife Is A Billionaire? novel Chapter 897

After receiving his IV, Hamilton's condition stabilized, and he managed to sleep through the afternoon in the hospital. Come evening, Evadne carefully escorted her grandfather back home.

Stepping out of the mansion with Jason, they were immediately met by a weary Thaddeus, who had rushed back home.


Thaddeus moved forward to embrace her, his breathing heavy, clearly having hurried back, "I'm sorry you had to go through all this trouble, and here I am, unable to help."

"Don't say that, looking after Grandpa is my responsibility too," Evadne said gently, her hands finding their way to his broad shoulders, beginning to massage them.

"I should check on Grandpa."

Just as Thaddeus was about to step in, Evadne quickly stopped him, "Grandpa just fell asleep, let's not disturb him. He's been through a lot, especially with Marilla's wedding draining him both physically and mentally. Let him rest."

"That's probably for the best," Thaddeus sighed, feeling guilty.

"Thaddeus," Evadne paused, her expression turning serious, "Let's talk in the car."

The couple made their way to Evadne's sleek car, with Jason taking the driver's seat, ready for a private conversation.

"Today, while I was with Grandpa at the hospital, I ran into Avery being admitted there," Evadne started, Thaddeus's eyes widened as he gripped her hand tightly, his palm sweaty with concern.

"Don't worry, I just paid a polite visit. He wasn't up to anything suspicious. After all, you can't catch a tiger unless you enter the tiger's den."

Evadne's brows furrowed, "But, if he's there just for an appendicitis, as his secretary claims, why is the entire ward locked down as if it's Fort Knox? It's like they don't want anyone to know he's sick. And another thing, diazepam. Harvey claimed it was for his mother."

Jason scoffed, "But we know Harvey's background. He's an orphan!

"Diazepam, I'm familiar with that," Thaddeus said, his voice deep and serious, "It's a central nervous system depressant. It can be used for anxiety, sedation, and even to control seizures and convulsions. Some of my comrades used it to treat PTSD."

"Could Avery have epilepsy?"

Jason looked puzzled, "Even if he's ill, so what? He's wiped out his entire family; who's left to threaten him?"

"That's exactly my point. Whatever he's suffering from, it's not just any illness."

Evadne narrowed her eyes, "I accidentally saw a bunch of needle marks on his arm. Considering everything, I suspect Avery has been injecting drugs. He's probably in the hospital because of some adverse effects from drug use."

Thaddeus and Jason were shocked!

"That would explain the oddities," Evadne said coldly, "Avery had dealings with narcotics even before returning to our country. It's hard to believe he wouldn't dip into his own supply."

"If we can find proof of his drug use, it would not only deal a heavy blow to him but also throw the Chambers Group into chaos."


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