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His Human mate! novel Chapter 1

***6months earlier*** 

[ Melissa pov]

"Pa!" A slap so loud echoed through the deadly quiet village.

Its impact made me lose my balance but Joshua my 'twin'  brother held me, breaking the fall.

"Papa! why on earth would you slap her?" Mama said, her voice laced with anger but papa didn't care, he just gave me a disappointed look.

I held my burning cheek which was probably red because my skin was on a lighter side just like his.

A tear threatened to fall but I pushed it back. I wasn't a weak little girl, only the weak cried

"Alyssa, Start preparing for the ritual. Dan come with me, we are going to talk to the chief about her marriage before she disgraces us any further." Papa said without any remorse.

"What?" I let out a whisper not believing what I just heard.

Marriage? I was only fifteen, haven't even had my first period yet! How can papa think of marrying me off??

"What?! I'm doing no such thing, Papa! she is my child, I raised her and I won't allow you to marry her off!" Mama defiantly stated. 

"She came out of my loins Alyssa, you only did me a favour of raising her, now do me another favour of teaching her everything she needs to know about marriage! I've already made a decision and I'm not changing my mind.

Dan let's go!" With that papa and uncle Dan left while mama chased after them begging him to not marry me off.

"You okay?" Joshua asked and I nodded my head dusting my clothes.

" I won't allow papa to crush my dreams by marrying me off. Come on teach me more words." I said to him siting on the mat.

I picked up my books and continued learning more English words.

You must be wondering who I am and why I am suddenly getting married. Well, let me introduce myself..

My name is Melissa Lou from a small remote village that's located below the Victoria falls.

I am considered as the eleventh child who killed her mom. Reason being is that she died while giving birth to me and my eldest sister Alyssa who I call mama is the one who breastfed me and treated me like her own child.

At the time when I was born, she had also given birth to her second child Joshua and raised us like twins.

Anyway coming to the reason why I'm suddenly being forced to get married, well the thing is that everyone in this village hated me, reason?

Because I was considered to be the most beautiful girl in the village and for this reason, I was every man's dream and every girls nightmare.


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