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His Human mate! novel Chapter 5

"Please don't kill me," I said in tears, thrashing around trying to free myself from her grasp.

I wanted to scream again but she placed her warm hand on my mouth silencing me.

"Keep quiet!" she ordered and I nodded fearing the worst.

Kaira was a ghost? But how? How is it possible that I've been living and sleeping next to a Ghost for the last six months, but how can a ghost also have babies?

"I'm going to take my hand off and you better not scream got it?" She ordered again and I quickly nodded.

She removed her hand from my mouth  held my hand and led me to were her dress was laying including the stuff we bought.

"Don't run." She ordered again letting go of my hand.

She picked up the dress, dusted it a little then wore it.

"Mel, you have to make me a promise," she began saying once she was done dressing up.

"You have to promise me that no one will know about what just happened here, okay?"

I nodded my head again.

"If you even say a single word then I will cut your tongue out " she threatened. I felt betrayed.

How can she even think of hurting me after everything we've done for her?

We've been nothing but loving and caring towards her and also treated her as part of our family but now she wants to cut my tongue out? How could she?

"And one more thing uh you and me will be going to America tomorrow." she said again but I shook my head taking a step back.

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you." I stated.

"Yes you are." she said in a less demanding and more desperate voice.

"Listen I won't hurt you okay, I just want you to come with me so that I can take you to a very expensive school and---"

"No!" I said stepping away from her.

She didn't think I was stupid, did she? I wasn't going to sacrifice myself for school. What if she roasts me and then eats me?

"Then I will do anything you want, I will give you anything you ask for just please come to America with me."

"No." I said again. She let out a sigh of frustration running her hand in her hair.

Come to America with me 1

Come to America with me 2

Come to America with me 3


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