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His Not So Beautiful Wife (Book 1) novel Chapter 1

Elle Hamilton

The youngest of three children of the family Elle was always the odd one.

Her elder brother Thomas was a university topper and now a top neurosurgeon. He had his looks from his mother and with those grey eyes and brown hair, he was a heartbreaker for sure.

Her elder sister Rosaline Hamilton was an epitome of female perfection. With blonde hair and grey eyes, she was a top model in New York City with her commercials going on day and night on the TV and her posters everywhere you go.

The youngest one was our dear Elle Hamilton,25 years of age with average looks.

Brown hair, brown eyes and light brown skin unlike white pale of her siblings and parents.

She was not soft-spoken like her sister, instead, you may call her a disrespectful brat if you get to have a bad encounter with her.

But still, she was the sweetest of all, her heart was pure and she could do anything for those who she loved.

She wasn't successful like her siblings and she did get to hear it from relatives that she was a disgrace.

She loved cooking and became a cook for her entire family.

She loved helping and indirectly became a maid to her sister's orders.

She gave everything but got nothing in return.

Her brother and sister were overprotective or disgraced of her she couldn't distinguish.

She avoided going to parties because she hated hearing others talk about how undeserving she was.

She held a degree of veterinary but everyone just laughed at her choice of career.

"One child is saving lives, the other is a top model and the third one is working in a barn, covered in hay, giving deliveries to a calf."

These were the words she heard some elite women at a party laugh about and that also at her face.

She loved animals and her career gave her happiness but most people could never understand this.

Elle was without a doubt the odd one out of her family but this didn't make her any less special.

She was gold and only the eyes of a goldsmith could see her beauty.


Hamilton Mansion

10:42 pm

The whole family was sitting in the living room with Mrs Hamilton's voice screaming at a high pitch

"Didn't I said not to go Elle!! I said you are grounded!! Now, do I need to lock you in your room next time!"

The girl rolled her eyes but still kept silent.

"Elle child you should listen to your mother. You are no longer a kid, rolling eyes like a 12-year-old are not acceptable."

"But dad-"

"Not a word Elle, your dad will not take your side this time! Just look at your sister! Learn something from her!"

"Like how to be a bitch"

She said slowly but her mother still heard her.

"Elle!! Don't you dare call her that when you can never be like her!! She is soft-spoken, gentle and has etiquettes unlike you who is just an embarrassment"

The last line came out low but she still heard it.

"Softly spoken my foot!! It is just a veil...she is double-faced and I can never be like her!! "

"Elle just say sorry and let it go! Why are you making it a big deal?"

Her brother Thomas said

"I am making it a big deal!! You were making it a big deal when you dragged me out of that club and told her !!"

"Elle you can't go to that club alone !! Why don't you understand!"

"I was not alone! Ve was with me and what's the big deal! You never stop Rose from going!! Then why me!!

"Stop comparing yourself with Rose Elle, you are not her!!"

"Exactly my point mom!! I am not like her so stop Fu*"** comparing me with her every damn time!!"

With this, she was gone and next they heard the voice of a door slamming shut.

"This girl is just a disgrace!! The words she uses!! god, forbid if anyone from my royal family hears her!

I don't know what to do with this child!"

"Maybe if she gets married, she will learn to be responsible?"

Mr Hamilton suggested and everyone saw a point there.

"I will begin looking for suitable matches tomorrow only but I don't want Elle to know about this"

Everyone nodded and went their own way to call off the night.


Her pillow was wet with teardrops, her eyes swollen and her mind in a turmoil.

This was nothing new since childhood she was always neglected and ignored one.

Her mother never gave her the kisses like she gave Rose,

Her mother never tapped her head and said she was proud of her like she did for Thomas.

She never prepared her favourite meal and soon her brothers and sisters favourite became her own favourites.

She lived in their shadows and that's how her life has been till now.

"Why can't I be like them? Why am I a disgrace..."

She said in sobs and fresh tears escaped her lips.

Soon her eyes got dried of tears and she found the peace of sleep at 1:00 clock at night with a throbbing head and a broken heart.


Ashton Lockwood

Heir of Lockwood Industries and an only child.

His parents pampered him with everything he placed his finger on and he was no doubt an arrogant one.

He was a speaker of few words and his face devoid of emotions.

You can crack your best joke and still he will not smile.

Smirking is his favourite and he does it quite often.

He had everything now as he has taken over his father's business and is running it well.

Everything except one

His wife

He was 27 already and his family wanted him to settle down.

He also wanted the same as he was himself quite bored with one night stands and possessive whores.

He wanted a perfect wife and finding her was as difficult as it sounded.

Beautiful was at the top of the list, family and qualification all came later.

He wanted to feel proud to call her as his.

He wanted such a beauty but little did he know that beauty is not always external.


"The way he saw beauty was just a veil

If only he had the eyes to see what lay underneath."


Lockwood Mansion

11:30 pm

He was standing at the top of his roof with hands placed on the railing.

His mother stood behind him a bit afraid of his reaction.

"Your Dad has made it clear Son, you will have to marry the girl of his choice"

He didn't react, instead, his eyes didn't even leave the sight of the moon which he was eagerly staring at.

"I know Ash it is your life, but your dad is quite adamant on this...he is just afraid of you choosing a wrong girl and ruining everything."

Mrs Lockwood sighed at her son's lack of response.

It was nothing new, she was expecting this already.

He has mastered the art of not showing his emotions no matter what the situation is.

"Son...please don't be angry -"

She placed her hand on his shoulder and he reacted

"I will talk to him myself mom...you should rest... it's late"

She sighed as what he was suggesting was going to be disastrous.

She could already predict a fight the next morning.

But she knew her son's decision is final, she can't argue with him any longer and it was better to leave with a heavy heart.

"Okay, son...if you say...."

She was going to leave when she felt his hand hold her wrist.

As she turned she was engulfed by his body and he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"You need not worry mom and avoid taking those sleeping pills every night"

He whispered in her ear and she nodded with a warmness in her heart.

He didn't show but cared a lot for her.

She could see through his every word and emotion as she was his mother after all.

Soon he receded and before she could catch any emotion on his face he had turned his back on her.


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