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Life After Prison by Silencieux (PDF) novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99 

Felicia panicked instantly upon hearing that Severin was not to be allowed to sell the house. The seven–and–a–half–million–dollar dowry was the only thing she had been looking forward to After all, the money was all hers if Severin gave it to her, and she would not take it out for anything. When the time came, she could then spend it however she wanted. 

As for the Liberty City project, she simply could not care less about establishing a good relationship with the Longhorn family. Regardless of how much money she helped the Shanahans earn, it would never fall into her pocket. 

Catherine said earnestly, “I repeat, he cannot be allowed to sell the house. Henry just gave it to him, and even if it really belonged to him now, selling it off would be like slapping Henry in the face. Do you think he’ll agree to give us a quota for Liberty City if he’s unhappy?” 

William frowned as soon as he heard that. “You’re right. We’d have to rely on Severin if Stanley fails, but if Severin sells the house, then whatever hope we have left is all gone!” 

“That is why you have to persuade him not to sell the house!” Catherine added emphatically. 

“Okay, I get it!” Although Felicia was upset, she could only nod her head and say yes. 

After pondering over it again, the old lady continued, “As for the matter of asking me to apologize to Diane, that is completely out of the question. Since she decided to marry Severin, let her live her life as a married woman. Hehe, I think she’s becoming more arrogant since moving to the Dragon Lake Vista area. She doesn’t even take us seriously anymore!” 

She paused for a moment before continuing, “Even so, you may tell her that we’ve let bygones be bygones, and she now is more than welcome to bring Severin and Selene to visit us when she has the time. Our relationship with her needs to be eased a bit. Who knows, we might even be able to use Severin to build a good relationship with Henry in the future!” 

“Okay…” Felicia smiled awkwardly, feeling very helpless in her heart. 

Catherine finally turned to Stanley and said, “I’ll give you a week, Stanley. If you still can’t secure that opportunity for us by then, we have no choice but to ask Severin for help!” 

Don’t worry, Grandma. I’ll take care of it for sure!” Stanley assured despite not being very optimistic about his chances. 


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