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Love in the Limelight novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131

“But, I didn’t get a good look at the people in the car. A young man handed the kid over to me, he was wearing a hat… and a mask. Couldn’t make out his face.”

“I tried to sneak a peek inside the car, and got a boot for my trouble. He threatened me, said he would gouge out my eyes…I can’t take it anymore, please, could you spare me some…” The man was a wreck, veins popping out on his face, drenched in sweat.

Elio remained cool as ice, “Keep talking.”

“But I remember, in the backseat, there was a young man. And I saw his hands…I’m positive they were a young man’s hands…He was male, I saw his Adam’s apple. Oh yeah, it was a black Rolls Royce, but I don’t know the specific model…Please!!!! Ahhhhh!!!” The man was in agonizing pain, tormented by withdrawal, “Please, sir, I’ve told you everything I know, everything!!!”

He banged his head against the back of the chair, struggling, knocking the chair to the ground, “Sir, that’s all… I don’t know anything else!”

Elio: “Location. Where did the exchange take place?”

“West side of town, out of the city, but…I can’t remember the exact location, but… but it was snowing that day…You could see… see a pharmaceutical factory from there…”

The man’s consciousness was starting to fade.

He was mumbling incoherently, his words making no sense.

“Take him away.” Elio tossed something on the table, signaling his men to take the man away.

Drug addicts don’t lie when they’re in withdrawal and see drugs, but what he held in his hand was actually a bag of flour.

There was a young man in the car?

Elio lightly tapped his fingers on the table, sending a message to Carson: “Check if there’s a pharmaceutical factory in the western suburbs, and ask around if anyone saw a black Rolls Royce there three and a half years ago.”

Carson: “Yes, my


Looking at the dark night, he felt a bit irked.

Who was the one who handed over the child?

Why did they do that?

He was starting to see a pattern, he believed he was close to the truth.

Meanwhile, in a hotel room somewhere else.

-Astrid was–examining Colton.

Jon was sprawled out on the couch, gaming and grumbling, “Do you even know how to play this game? Can’t you cover me? As soon as someone comes for me, you scram. Can’t you give a hand? What, got your feet stuck in mid lane? Losers!”

He lost another game, sat up straight and saw Astrid and Colton just sitting there, silent as the grave.

He couldn’t help but shout, “Star, I asked you to treat him, not to have a staring contest, right?”

Astrid took off her gloves, and murmured, “I just drew some blood, and checked the concentration of toxins in his system. It’s not high, so he should be in and out of consciousness.”

Chapter 132

“So you’re saying he can still be cured?” Jon asked, his brows knotted in concern.

“Yeah.” Astrid nodded, “He probably knew from an early age that Farrah Fortner was out for his blood, so he played dumb to protect himself. He didn’t take all the ‘medicine‘, so he’s not completely out of his mind.”

“Seriously?” Jon asked, shocked, “Farrah’s a real piece of work, why would she do that to Colton?”


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