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Love in the Limelight novel Chapter 137

Chapter 137

Astrid’s eyes lit up the moment she heard that voice!

Clyde adjusted his baseball cap with a bit of grumpiness, “Astrid and I are about to play a couple in the film. What’s wrong with us building up some chemistry in advance?”

“No can do!” the man replied.

“Either you hop in the passenger seat, or drive yourself!”

The man started the car as he spoke.

Clyde, a bit ticked off, opened the car door and got into the passenger seat. He turned to the driver – a man in all black with shades on and snorted, “What’s up with your attitude? You’re just a driver, where do you get off talking to me like that? I can easily get you fired!”

“We’ll see if you have the guts.” The man sneered, then said to Astrid, “Star, hand me the meds.”

“Sure thing!” Astrid quickly rummaged through the car and handed a pill from a pill bottle to Gracie, “Here, Gracie. Take this.”

Gracie looked confused. “What is this?”

“Motion sickness pill!” Astrid said excitedly. “Hurry up and take it.”

“But I don’t get carsick.” Gracie refused to take the pill, which made Astrid anxious. She shoved the pill into Gracie’s mouth.

Seeing Gracie swallow the pill, Astrid grinned. “Just because you didn’t get carsick before doesn’t mean you won’t now.”

Gracie was still a bit confused when the car started moving.

The trip from the airport to the film set was three to four hours, and there was a stretch of road without speed cameras.

Suddenly, the car accelerated wildly on that stretch of road!

You could say it was lightning fast.


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