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Love in the Limelight novel Chapter 195

Chapter 195

“Did you send me to the wrong room?” Astrid snapped. “You’re lying, I know you guys know who’s room you sent me to. Otherwise, why would you destroy all the hotel’s surveillance footage as soon as I left?”

“Destroy the surveillance footage?” Warren Santos was taken aback, shaking his head frantically, “No, we didn’t destroy any footage!”

“I’ve spilled the beans already; I wouldn’t lie about the surveillance. Dad always favored Fannie, most outsiders don’t even know he has a son like me, so Fannie and I never got along since we were kids.”

“When Dad asked me to escort you to the hotel, I was initially reluctant, but Fannie insisted. She’s my sister, after all, so I did as I was told.”

“As for what happened later, I’ve no idea. When I got home that night, I found out I sent you to the wrong room and got a good scolding from Dad.”

“But the weird thing is, Starlight Entertainment’s execs called Fannie the next morning and agreed to sign her. Later we found out that a girl had accidentally entered that man’s room that night. I’ve told you everything I know; please let me off the hook!”

Warren’s words only added to Astrid’s frustration.

If it wasn’t the Santos family who tampered with the surveillance, then who?

Before returning to the Brooke family, she was just an unloved adoptee of the Irvine family; she never offended anyone, let alone had enemies.

She wouldn’t buy the coincidence theory of the surveillance being accidentally destroyed, especially when the footage of her encounter with that man was conveniently missing.

And the hotel couldn’t trace that man’s check–in records.

Who was behind this?

Someone definitely didn’t want her to know that man’s identity!


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