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Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Who the Hell You Are

"No, I don't need anyone to take care of me."

Remington's tone was extremely cold, and he refused her suggestion unceremoniously, "I need to rest, just get out!"

After Remington yelled at them, he covered his face with a quilt and refused to talk.

Camelia almost burst into tears because of the yelling from Remington, so Renee could only take her out of the room first. When they went downstairs, she kept comforting Camelia, "Sweetie, don't be sad, you know his temper. Now he is in a bad mood, just wait until he feels better, and come to see him again!"

"Auntie, Remi is already awake, and there is no need to let someone bring the blessing here, why can't you just let me stay to take care of him? Don't let the outsider stay here, I don't want to see a strange woman stay by his side."

When Camelia said this, she glanced at Cecelia who sat in the living room downstairs, and for some reason, she didn't like this woman.

"I know what you are thinking, don't worry!"

When the two women passed by the living room, they stopped. Renee talked to Cecelia with an arrogant attitude, as if she was the hostess of the Nelson family, "Miss Linsey, the Nelson family thank you for bringing the blessing here. Now you have seen it, Remington has already woken up and recovered a lot, so I hope you will take the initiative to tell Madam Nelson that you will leave the Nelson family."

They must didn't know that Madam Nelson already registered the marriage between Cecelia and Remington.

Cecelia looked at the woman in front of her and sneered, "Madam Renee, I've only been here for a day! I have to wait until Mr. Nelson had fully recovered."

Hearing this, Camelia only thought that it was because Cecelia didn't want to leave the Nelson family. She said, "I should call you Miss Linsey, right? The Nelson family is a noble family, I know what your purpose is for coming here. Don't you just want to take this opportunity to marry Remington and become the daughter-in-law of the Nelson family?"

Cecelia sneered at her, and said, "I know the Nelson family is a noble family, but my family, the Linsey family, is a wealthy family as well. My father is a business tycoon in the Center City after all, do I have to marry someone and be someone's wife? Miss, I wonder what is the purpose of you wanting to stay by Mr. Nelson's side?"

Camelia never except that she would ask in this way, "I... I am here to take care of Andres, and now Remi needs someone to take care of him, so I am also responsible for taking good care of him."

"Your responsibility? You are not the one who has lucky befalls on, and Andres was not born by you. Why should you need to take responsibility?" Cecelia asked angrily.

Camelia felt a little bit awkward, but still said back, "I'm also the Parenting teacher of the Nelson family anyway, and it's my responsibility to take care of Andres!"

"Then I would like to ask, how do you work as a Parenting teacher? Since you keep saying that you want to take care of Andres, then why is Andres being bullied by others?"

Cecelia crossed her arms and stared at her, her eyes were extremely cold. Camelia felt a little scared under her stare, and in the end, she had to defend herself, "I don't know Andres was being bullied, it must have happened when I was not in the Nelson family. If I was here, this kind of thing would never happen!"

"Okay, then please take good care of the child, and you don't need to worry about Mr. Nelson here!"

"No, I want to take care of Remi!"

Camelia said the truth in a hurry, "I love him, Remi and I are just a couple, and no one should try to separate me and Remi."

Remington Nelson should have belonged to her!

She won't let anybody else take him away!

"So that's the reason you want to stay by his side. Don't worry, if Remi loves you, no one will be able to separate you from him. When he gets well in the future, don't forget to invite me to the wedding banquet if you two got married. After all, I did you a big favor, didn't I?"

"You mean, you agree to leave now?" Camelia asked coldly.

But Cecelia would not let them know that she won't leave the Nelson family easily

Camelia looked at Andres again, and shouted, "Andres, just come here!"


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