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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 119

5 months passed. 
The joined project of Crimson Meadow  and Wine&Vibe  is a great success. Many congratulated the two CEOs who worked so hard for this project and for helping a lot of charities as one of their goals.
At the end of the month, the two held a press conference. Reporters came to witness the successful joined of the famous married couple. They thought that they will only hear news about the business and how they’ll end the union. However, Chadwick  and Adira came out with a big surprise for everyone. 
“Before we end the conference, Adira and I would like to announce something very important.” 
Gradually, the two looked at each other and smiled. 
Their deal is clear. 
After the five months when the project is over, they will reveal the truth about their divorce. And the time has come. 
“Adira and I decided to marry again.” 
At Chadwick's words, gasp filled the hall. Tons of lights flashed, capturing each second. 
What does he mean by marrying Adira again? Everyone asked the same question. For them, there’s no need for a married couple to marry again. 
“Sir, may I ask what you mean by marrying your wife again?” one reporter asked. 
Both Adira and Chadwick gawked at the reported. 
Since it come to this, there’s no need for them to lie anymore. 
“We divorced five months ago,” Adira answered. 
There was a loud buzz. If it is really true, then this will be a big news in the media. The infamous CEO couple’s divorce. 
And then, a lot of reporters gave their curious questions to the two. 
As the press conference is live, someone who’s watching it through his phone couldn’t help but to laugh. It is Geoffrey.
“Wow. They are really crazy,” Geoffrey murmured while watching his friend and the woman he truly loves through his phone screen. 
Geoffrey couldn’t believe that these two crazy people would really announce their divorce and their marriage again in front of the public. Surely, things will be messier. 
But in the end, he just laughed it off. 
Without watching the end of the live press conference, he turned off his phone and shoved it inside his pocket. 
Wearing a thick jacket as the coldness stick kicking even at the end of winter, Geoffrey stared at the university he went with Adira.
His sweet first love started in this place. However, it ended 1 month ago. 
“After confessing my love and fighting against that bastard, I still lose,” he said with a sigh. 
1 month ago, Adira came to him and rejected him for the second time. It a rejection that won’t never happen again since it will be the last. 
‘Actually, I am not shocked anymore,’ Geoffrey said to himself. 
Even at the time when Adira said that she can like the two of them, Geoffrey already has a clue. He lived long time watching Adira's  from afar and somehow, he learned how to read her thoughts. 
‘And when she ran to Chadwick  just to save him, I knew it right then where her heart belongs.’ 
Still, Geoffrey dd not back down. He tried all of her best to be with her, to steal her and to let her emotions waver. Yet in the end, he did not win. 
“But I have no regrets,” he murmured. 
Confessing to his first love, being brave, fighting and getting rejected. He was happy he made choice he won’t regret. Maybe, he entered her life a bit late. But he’s a happy brokenhearted guy. 
“So, since it started here, I will also end everything here,” Geoffrey said while looking at the gate of university. 
Before he could enter the gate, a woman tapped his arm. 
“Excuse me.” 
Geoffrey tilted his head and saw a somehow familiar looking woman. His eyes squinted. ‘Where did I see her again?’ 
While looking at her, he saw the phone the woman is holding. The girl is also watching the live press conference of Chadwick and Adira. But she’s not wearing her earphone anymore as her eyes only focused on Geoffrey's handsome face. 
Geoffrey  diverted his gaze back to her trembling eyes. 
“Are you… Geoffrey?” the woman asked. 
‘How did she know me?’ 
Geoffrey pointed himself. “Ahhh, yes. And you?” 
“Omg! It is me! Margaret! We’re classmate during college. Even without glasses, I know it is you. Did you come here to visit the university too?” 
His tensed shoulder drooped. He couldn’t believe the someone from college would remember him. Or maybe, all of his eyes and ears focused on Adira that he doesn’t care to anyone. 
“Really? I am sorry, I did not recognize you.” 
“It’s okay. At least I do.” 
“How did you remember me by the way?” he asked. 
“Of course! I have a long-time crush on you. So, when I…” she quickly covered her mouth and gasped. “I…I am sorry! That is not what I mean! I mean… that was a long time ago and I know that you like our other classmates instead and… argh.” She hit her head and bit her lower lip as she looked away with blush. 
Geoffeey binked. 
The woman, pretending as if nothing happened, looked at him again and smiled. “Just forget what I said. Anyway, do you want to tour around our university with me?” 
Suddenly, Geoffrey  burst out of laughing. 
He realized that it wasn’t just him who suffered from a long-time crush way back in college. 
His eyes went to the screen the woman is holding. 
‘It seems there’s no need for me to feel sad,’ Geoffrey said to himself while watching Chadwick and Adira on the phone screen. 
“Sure. Let’s go together,” he agreed. 
Meanwhile, during the press conference, the reported kept on asking the two with unlimited question.
Why did they divorce? 
Who initiated it? 
Is there a third party? 
And so on. 
However, the two did not answer anything. And when the voices subsided as they kept their mouth shut, it was then Chadwick’s voice returned. 
“The two of us married through an arranged marriage.” He packed his gaze downward before breathing sharply. “We sincerely apologized for fooling people by saying that we were really in love.” 
Adira looked at his side profile. Under the table, her hand reached for him. 
He looked at her hands, held it tightly and stared back at Adira. 
“However,” Adira continued, staring at him. “We fell in love at each other. And that’s the end. So, we are going to marry again.” 
Chadwick bnked swiftly. Then he leaned closer to her and whispered, “That’s all? You won’t explain that we divorced because we wanted to start anew and slowly, we fell in love?” 
Adira chuckled at him and whispered, “I hate long story. Let’s make it short. I don’t want to waste my precious time with them. Better spend it with you on bed.” She winked at him, and he blushed. 
As Chadwick fell in daze and smiled ear to ear, Adira  looked at the reporter again. 
“Ahhh. I forgot one more thing,” Adira said. 
Smiling, Chadiwick stared at her side profile. 
“I am… pregnant.” 
A grimace sneaked in Chadwick's  lips.
‘She is really crazy,’ he thinks while staring at the woman who did not tell him anything about her pregnancy. 
He really wanted to stand right now and threw complaints at her for hiding it but when Adira  turned to him with a smile while wearimg the earrings he bought for her birthday eight mohths ago, all of his anxiousness subsided. 
Chadwick realized that it wasn't the time when Adira cried for him when he fell for her. It was when he was thinking for her birthday gift, choosing whick one will make her shine the most. 
Holding the earrings, which she only found hidden inside Chadwick's room, Adira mouthed. 
[“I love you.”]
Everything happened first. 
He heard the pregnancy for the first time today. 
And he finally received her confession for the first time. 
Chadwick smiled at his crazy ex-wife whom he will marry again. And he replied, “I love you too.” 
Adira once arried a heart broken CEO. But this time, they bowed not to break each other's heart again. 
They might break another bed after the wedding, RATHER. 
“Awwwww, this is so sweet,” Neil murmured while watching his boss and the madam from afar. He even wiped the tears prickling at the corner of his eyes. 
“It is just sweet now,” Hansel said as she stood beside him. 
Neil looked at her. 
“But surely, we will have a ton of work after this. We have to deal with scandals and reports. What a mess,” Hansel complained. 
Neil laughed at her and nodded. “That’s right. Our bosses' specialty is to make us busy. However, I am happy that finally, they are now really together.” 
Hansel looked down and fidgeted her fingers. 
She bit her lower lip and murmured in low tone. 
“So, now that their relationship is good, do you think it is our time to…” 
Ring Ring~
Hansel couldn’t finish her words as Neil’s phone rings. 
“Oh? She’s calling again,” Neil uttered while looking at the screen. 
“Who’s calling?” 
“Isa,” Neil answered. 
A scowl appeared on Hansel’s face. “Why is she calling you?” 
“Well… that… I don’t know too,” Neil answered. “But Isa was admitted at my uncle rehabilitation center. Even though I hate her, I sometimes talk to her from time to time. It seems like she changed a lot.” 
Neil was about to answer the call when suddenly, Hansel snatched his phone. 
“What are you doing?” Neil asked at the weird lady. 
“Don’t answer her call. Never,” Hansel said before she walked away with Neil’s phone in her hand. 
“Hey! At least give my phone back!” 
Hansel threw his phone, and he caught it. 
“Woah. What a temper,” Neil uttered. 
He was about to follow her when he felt something deja vu. 
“Wait a minute,” Neil murmured. He looked at Chadwick  and his madam, Adira. “Why does it feel like a history is repeating?” 
There will be another love triangle. Yet even the cycle continues, it’s not too late to try for a new challenge. 
The end…


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