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Mate Jelnimia's Rescue novel Chapter 6

The calm and serene environment returned to it's normal level. Soon, the world of bling was back to normal.

"What's up dude? You home..?" Laney called.

"Sure.. I'm taking a break today. You can come over, let's hang out."

"Okay, be there in a jiffy!"

Malison's thoughts lingered on the redhead as he looked over at the pool that he always found so relaxing to daydream about being over. He smiled and nodded, but this day was no ordinary day and he would make it a very special day, to learn to accept what he always knew to be true, but was never understood by others.

The cool breeze was always a relaxing way to feel good. He would miss this place. For this day would take him away from the world had grown to love. He couldn't wait to finally meet her. He shifted his head towards the trees lining the parking lot, eyes darting to the small clearing behind the trees. The light eats of the sun came on as he carefully moved to it and gazed down. The peace of the chill weather was broken as another piercing scream pierced his thoughts. "LOST..?" Pushing up to see if it wasn't his imagination, he slowly shifted his view to the woods behind the bay's houses, still struggling to get his thoughts back together to speak.

"Hmmm... someone is out to get his cool air as usual!"

"Just take a good look at the most wanted bachelor in town!" Laney exclaimed at his arrival, and Malison snapped out of his daydream. "You look kind of different this morning man. What's going on with you?"

With a soft laugh, his grin returned, and he stood up to work over to him, as lister of the morning sky fly to him. The frost was gone from his air, his relaxed demeanor had been replaced by Laney's sharp presence. His cool gaze followed him from across. Malison's smile was the same, but the excitement in his eyes had grown. His jaw clenched and his eyes puffed as a thought flashed in his mind. Sweet voice whispered in his ears, coating it with soothing words. Hair was now pulled back from his face, and with Laney, he would look like he was hiding something. He sighed inwardly. He couldn't keep the blush from his cheek as he turned away from his heady thoughts.

"Welcome dude!" He paused, glancing around. "Where's jenny; I thought you said you two were coming over?"

"Yeah yeah... But she had to go somewhere else, which she said was very important."

"Alright." Malison concluded, turning to face the pool and made a sweeping gesture. He sighed in relief, but his thought was still shady; a combination of his quest and Jenny's reason for not showing up as planned. "Well, I just wanted to have a talk with her, but it's fine." His words creeped through his partly opened lips.

"So what's the icky business we have to discuss as soon as you get back to the house with me. I want to know. Or should we talk about it here?" Laney voiced, placing one hand on the table, and the other on his chin as she watched Malison sipped from his glass.

"I'll be off for a while on a mission to fulfill my destiny, to a land I know not." He paused, his eyes closed for a moment. "This has been a challenging one for me all these years, but I must do it now, else I'll end up dead." A saddened look plastered on Laney's face as she watched him continue. "There is much to accomplish to finish what I have started. It's my life, and I must brace up to it." A sheepish smile was released as his lips curled. He stretched his hands forward to him, pulling his hands closer to himself; he said, "Laney, I'm sorry, for this will be tough for you to take right now, but I just have to go; my destiny depends on it." Letting go of his hands.

"I'll go with you, Malison!" The words resounded from his mouth, his brows furrowed as he looked at the skies. A hard line crossed his lips and he stepped backwards, gazing down at his feet. After a brief pause he looked up at the sky.

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2


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