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Mate Jelnimia's Rescue novel Chapter 9

They found the jungle almost blind. But the darkness was not loud enough for their heightened senses to pick up the danger which laid ahead of them

"What could that sign mean?"

"I wouldn't know, Mal..!"

A quick silence was broken by another scream, then a frustrated hiss.

White light flared behind them, and a panel shattered, plunging them into total darkness. They stumbled together and slowly made their way through the network of narrow pathways. Within moments they were on the other side, lying panting on the hard concrete ground in the brief flare of golden sunlight. Initial thought was that they were saved by their guardian, then they heard what sounded like a whimper from a nearby shadow. Two more shadowed figures began moving in their direction. Before they could take any action, they were pushed back into the darkness again. They could not see nor hear anything, but the strange clamor and commotion continued. They stood, with their ears on alert, but they heard nothing. Still unable to see anything, they felt that it was better to be quiet, so they laid down on their stomach, waited for the cloud of shadow to move on. Still nothing happened.

When the dust settled, an ugly sneer twisted through their throats. Suddenly, their heightened senses of sight and hearing were restored and almost instantly the sound vanished.

A young girl about twelve years of age, wearing a foul robe of dark brown, stood at the top of the broken staircase. With a swift turn of her head, she gazed down at them, her face set in a cold, cruel smile. Her eyes looked like empty pits in the darkness, and her long, thin mouth opened in a hideous, cackling laugh. A twisted grin covered the right side of her face, and gleaming white fangs dripping with red blood stared back at them. An evil leer smeared across her face. In a voice like stone, she said,

"Have you not seen what I have seen? Have you not heard what I heard? What I say is that all the immortal gods' blessings have come to me. Do you not see it?"

With a quick twist, she turned back towards the guys standing beside her, and said,

"Two gods from a different world have come to live in the undercity, to take away our immortal soul... They call her their light..!!!" She giggled again and squinted in their direction. Slowly, her face changed. The frightened guys pointed to themselves, and whispered in unison, "does she means us...?" She lowered her voice, "Their imprisoned souls and bodies will forever remain ours..." and a strange giggle echoed in the dark and cold air.

Slender footsteps started running up the staircase, and filled the entire long turn with a most unholy sound. Sounds of the door closing, there was a snap of lightning, then the door of the room upstairs opened.

"Please excuse me, my Luna." Kneeling down before her with shaking hands and legs. "The Alpha master demands your presence." A pretty young looking, fair, slender girl voiced. Her face looked so troubled. Her physique looked so malnourished, her voice stuttered with fear as each word peeped through, in between the tiny opening of her lips, almost completely sealed in energetic silence, not even making any noise as she spoke, using her breath to think out each word.

With a very faint appearance, there were very hard lines radiating across her face, her eyes only staring downwards, and locked in the gaze, a resounding cry for help lashed in his head like a blasting thunder, with a blinding bright light flashed through his eyes.

"Mate... Mate...!" The voice spoke in terror like an hollow.

With a quick sweep of his sight, the blurred vision revealed it's true meaning. He recognized the clear identity of the scared woman, the calm composure of her appearance filled with a beautiful form of a temptress from the worst, devious and horrifying nightmares of his days and nights. Her beauty to behold surpassed even her beautiful looks, the enchanting charms and seductive natures of her alluring eyes made him stare at her for an immeasurable span of time as he faints in his own skin.

Within a brief moment, in a blur and hazy vision, accompanied with a bolt of lightning appeared across his face, he got up form his nightmare.

"Oh no! That didn't just happen!"


"I just saw her. Did you see her too?"

"Who, see who?"

"I'm telling you Laney, I just saw her. She was standing up there." Pointing at the direction. "She's so pretty, but she wasn't looking happy at all.."

"Hey dude, calm down! We should be talking about how we'll be able to get ourselves out of her, and not talking about her, who, or whatever!"

*I know man! But, I just saw her. Oh no... She needs help as quickly as possible!"


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