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Mated to the Vampire Lord novel Chapter 6

The Grand Elders of the Volturi gathered again in their meeting room. A room that exuded a powerful and devilish aura. Though it came from the Grand Elders themselves. 

Grand Elders doesn't mean they were too old and had walking sticks to support their movement. They had lived for many Centuries but still, they looked young and agile except their head and Layla who were the youngest.

The ten of them sat on each right and left wing of the chairs as if waiting for someone more superior while the Drudge Vampires refilled each cup, every now and then. It was as if the animal's blood tasted better to them.

Layla's eyes shoned with anticipation as she stared at the curtains for signs. The way it hung delicately from the frame as if dancing from a touch of breeze. She had always liked him even when he kept a distance from her.

Suddenly, her smiles appeared as he appeared from the curtain, bringing a welcome pop of aura in the room. The curtain was a creamy brown, the type that glowed golden in the sunlight. Everyone stood as he advanced.

Ray was looking handsome in his robe as he resembled a demi-god in his Lordness. He kept a straight face until he reached his seat. One Drudge Vampire pushed the chair out for him as usual before he sat. He didn't like the way he was served and treated like a king. Guards following him up and down got him more annoyed. He wanted the life of a normal Vampire which he couldn't get and now he is here. He couldn't run away from his destiny.

They all sat as well before the deafening silence came. His eyes met with his cousin's and he smiled at him. Jasper was the only surviving family Lord Ray had and his sister too. His mum died before his dad died of poison. This was the more reason why he hated himself being chosen as the male lead but he also began to enjoy it as Jasper taught him many things.

"I gave you an order in our last meeting. Now tell me something." He began with his deep tenor voice. They all knew he was referring to Layla because he had asked her to bring Luciana's daughter to him. No one knew what he planned to do with Luciana's daughter but they felt his reasons were for the better.

"Yes, my Lord. They weren't able to bring her but they almost brought the Alpha Marcus." She said, causing him to raise his brows. 

"So what happened?" He asked as if longing to see him.

"Someone saved him but one thing my Lord, she paused for the words to sink into everyone's ear before she continued, he was poisoned on time." 

Lord Ray smirked at her words. The same question dropped in everyone's head like a bomb shell. How was it so easy for mere Drudge Vampires to attack an Alpha Werewolf? And poisoned him?

"Bring them to me." He said. He didn't press his voice deeply because he sounded casual. He never sounds aggressive like a head should sound yet his fearful aura breezed itself as he spoke. 

Some seconds later, two Drudge Vampires entered and bowed before everyone. They had powers probably because they were created by him. Ray looked at each of them as if trying to figure out who did the poisoning.

"How did you get to his chest?" He asked this question that sounded funny but it wasn't funny. 

He tried to place himself in the Alpha's shoe and imagined some two Drudge Vampires charging at him with a force and knowing how he would throw them off with one hand. How could it be so difficult for Alpha Marcus to throw them off?

"I used my mind, my Lord. And the poison began to spread immediately because he became weak." The bigger one answered and bowed his head simultaneously. They guessed it was one of the deadliest poisons since it reacted immediately but then a mere Drudge Vampire couldn't possess the deadliest poison. Only a Grand Elder of the Volturi could possess such poison so how was it possible that it reacted immediately?

Lord Ray wanted to know how powerful the Alpha of the Werewolves was but from what he just heard, he knew it was going to be fun. "The Werewolves are too weak. Their Leader will die very soon so we can now kill them all." Rufus the always-ready-to-fight Grand Elder chipped in, as others followed with a nod. They noticed the look on the Drudge Vampires faces, painted with panic.

"There was a man with him." The two said in unison. 

"What is he?" Ray voiced with expectancy. It surprised him that they spoke with such uneasiness. Their silence proved they didn't know this man was.

"Is he the same man that saved the Alpha?" Layla asked them and they answered with a nod. Their heads shook simultaneously like the Agama lizards with an orange head. This only meant that they needed a next plan since the first one has been altered.

Another silence that didn't take long drifted in. Everyone waited to hear what he had to say. Whatever he was about to say would be the best decision for them. If he told them to start a war with the Werewolves that minute, they were ready to fight. 





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