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Mated to the Vampire Lord novel Chapter 7

Back at the Jules Pack Werewolves castle, everything else happened slowly as everyone hoped for Alpha Marcus to wake up. 

The third time that the Seer came to the fourth floor, he left no good impression. When he finished applying the antidote on Alpha Marcus, his face turned gloomy as if he forgot to add a particular ingredient to his antidote. Probably, the special ingredient that could wake him up.

He was the only powerful Seer that the Werewolves had. One intriguing thing about this man was his physique. His head was was covered with thick fur throughout, a pair of mono brows and blue eyes. His fangs, on his upper and lower jaw permanently poked out of his mouth and his ears too propped out in the air. The fur ended around his neck making him appear like a human from his shoulder to his feet.

The stories that accompanied his birth was so pathetic as his parents abandoned him with the feeling that he was cursed.

Everyone 's gaze grew intense as they waited to hear what he had to say. He waved his furry head and began, "The poison is more powerful than I expected and it's spreading fast." He was surprised that Alpha Marcus hasn't responded yet to the antidote despite the fact that he had applied it the third time. What he said made everyone to go dumb. 

Luciana and Edward were both standing while Alice was seated at a corner, still cocooned and her guards were with her as well.

"So what does that mean?" Edward summoned strength to ask. He was weak from what the Seer said and his heart almost broke as the Seer told them that Alpha Marcus might die. 

"Am sorry to say that he will die very soon."

Luciana broke into tears while Edward stormed out of the room like a mad man.

Alice was the only one that didn't hear what the Seer said since the cocoon over her was like a sound proof. But deep inside her, she felt something not being right. The Seer's sad face as he spoke, Edward storming out of the room, and her mum in tears all sent strange impulses to her brain.

As she peered through to get a clearer view of Alpha Marcus, her heart raced as if something was about to happen. As if the cocoon could just break off and let her touch him. She began to cry as emotions flowed through the cocoon to him.                           

"Marcus…she uttered, still crying.

Her voice was loud enough that everyone could hear her. "Marcus, please look at me. It's me."

Just after the moment those words breezed out, everyone looked on the bed where he lay and discovered the slight shake of his fingers. Luciana's heart began to beat fast as they quietly watched out for more reaction.

Alice felt her heart beat return to normal after what happened. A feeling of satisfaction settled across her face again.




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