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Mistaking an Alpha for a Pimp novel Chapter 7


The pimp had a silly smirk on his face as he slowly guided the kids who were ever willing into his car. I was even more surprised about how the kids managed to bond with him in this short period of time. Probably the father children bond.

I rolled my eyes as I walked back to my own car, there was definitely no way on earth I would let them know such a man was their father.

I watched as he drove away with the kids towards their school direction, I sighed and got into my car before I drove off.

While I was driving, I could not stop thinking about him. How did the pimp get my location? I couldn't help but think if he had traced me after our encounter a few days ago.

I could not help but think if he had followed me from there to here, had he been living here or had he just arrived in the city?

Or was he trailing me? I thought about that for some time and ruled out the possibility, he had no idea that I had his kids from that night, so there was definitely no reason he would have to trail me. So I brushed it off, he was probably in this city to sleep with some rich women, "after all that is what he does right?" I asked no one in particular.

I was so carried away by thoughts of the pimp that I had totally forgotten that I was late to work, I was not even concentrating on my driving. I was brought back to reality when I almost rammed into someone else's car on the road.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I stepped on the brake on impulse.

"Oh my gosh!" I slapped my forehead in frustration before resting my head on the steering wheel. Once again, I was carried away again.

I quickly lifted my head when my phone started to ring. It was Gloria, I stared at the phone and then decided not to answer it, after all, I had almost gotten to the office.

I stepped on the gas and started the car again, and soon enough I was already at the office. I ended up taking more time than expected to get to the office.

"You still ended up coming late," Mr. Lester said to me just as I stepped out of my car, he was just walking out of the office building with two other men who I did not recognize. I would have assumed one of them was the CEO, but they did not look like it at all.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Lester, I almost got involved in an accident."

"You always have an excuse, that is what I like about you," he said sarcastically.

I was about to tendering another apology when he spoke again.

"You are lucky, the CEO called earlier that he would be arriving a little bit late. That is your saving grace today."

I thanked him, even though I knew he might get back at me for coming late. But he did not even spare me another glance before he walked away.

I grabbed my bag from the car and started walking hurriedly into the office. I met Gloria halfway to my office.

"You aren't answering your phone," Gloria said to me as she walked up to me.

"I was driving," I said, rolling my eyes, I did not stop, instead I kept walking to my office. And as usual, Gloria kept following after me even though her own office was on the other side. I knew she would start to budge me now, as usual, she is such a pain in the ass.

Just like I had guessed, she stood beside me as I was about to enter my office, then she walked in with me.

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