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Mistaking an Alpha for a Pimp novel Chapter 5


My words stuck in my throat as he eyed me, I cleared my throat, gulped down what was left of the champagne, and cocked my hips sideways. There was no way I'd let him know I had children from that night.

"You think I'd have your children? From that night? What are the odds?" I said and I laughed gently.

He narrowed his eyes at me as if he was contemplating my words.

"Why would we have kids from that encounter? You're a pimp." I said to throw him off the scent and he seemed to buy the lie.

I was relieved he didn't press the issue further.

"You seem particularly interested in me, I'd give you a discount for another night with me so what do you say?"

"How much do you charge per night?" I asked.

"Five thousand." He replied shamelessly.

"Five thousand dollars for a night?"

"As I said, I'd give you a discount seeing that we're old acquaintances." He said and licked his bottom lip.

"No thank you, I'll pass but you do know you shouldn't be doing this right? You owe people a lot, how would your children feel if they knew their father was a pimp?" I asked, I wasn't ready to tell my kids their father was alive as a pimp.

"I have kids?" He asked.

"I don't know, do you?" I asked him in return.

"I have no idea as well, maybe a certain person has given birth to my children which I do not know about." He said nonchalantly.

"That's your business but trust me, you'd do yourself good if you find a decent job and quit, you're killing yourself," I said concernedly.

He chuckled softly and somehow his voice sounded melodious to my hearing. Life was sure unpredictable, I vividly remember cursing him earlier on for making me lie to my kids and now he's standing right in front of me, he kept having me a lewd look and I wasn't ready to carry three kids in my stomach for nine months again.

"So, their discount is still on, you could grab the offer if you want, I know a really nice place." He offered.

"No thanks, I'll pass, it was nice meeting you by the way, I have other things to attend to so I'll be taking my leave and please just advice from me to you, take good care of yourself," I said dismissively and walked away.

I could have sworn I heard him whistle after me but I didn't care to look backward to confirm, the party became disturbing to me owing to my encounter with him so I alerted the driver who drove me here and we left. I got back to the mansion and straight to my room. The triplets were tucked in bed and fast asleep so I kissed their foreheads.

I changed my dress into pajamas and took a shower and all through I kept thinking of my encounter with the pimp. I began to regret not telling him I had kids for him but it was for the best. The clock chimed signifying that it was midnight yet I was restless so I decided to watch TV in the sitting room until I fell asleep.

I went to the sitting room and turned on the TV and began to watch a show absentmindedly, the door creaked open and Gary; Gloria's brother came in. The maid had told me his name so it was no news. He sat beside me and stared at the TV.

Chapter 5- Five thousand dollars for a night 1

Chapter 5- Five thousand dollars for a night 2


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