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Moonlight Queen novel Chapter 2

Father Bosco was the reverend at the church located in the middle of our small city.

He hated witches and this was a huge threat to all witch covens in Latan city.

We continued walking deeper into the forest, the moon was up in the sky shinning down on us.

Everyone began to transform into their wolf forms and I was not left behind, it was an awkward feeling for me to change into animal in a twinkle of an eye.

I grew fangs, I felt I looked funny and ugly in that, my eyes grew wide with fear, flashing with grey rays.

I was trying to get used to walking on four legs. It was my first time in my wolf form so no one dared to mock me.

I felt a little weird and scared at the same time, it wasn't something I'm used to neither am I sure that I'm proud of it.

A lot of times my parents had sat me close to the chimney lecturing me about it, well what they said was totally different from what I'm feeling at the moment.

They kept talking about how fulfilling it felt, I fascinated about it for a while but today, my feets are cold with fear.

I shivered as they all howled "what the hell?"

I kept mumbling to myself, I noticed my mother was watching me, I quickly had to join the rest of the pack howling, trust me I knew I was only barking cause I caught alot of them peering at me.

I shut my eyes to whatever they might think of me and refused to feel embarrassed.

I took a glance at my father who had his brown wolf colour glowing through it's furs, I have never seen brown glow so much. I have always wished I took after his form but I rather too after my mum, I was white as the moon.

We sprinted into a race, running into the forest like it had no ends "is this really it?" I thought looking nervous.

I just wanted everything to end at once, I needed to sleep and rest but then I was very hungry, I could hear that soft grumble of my wolf belly.

I took a deep breath, my heart grew cold on remembering that I had a test to write tomorrow "I didn't even get to study" I thought looking away.

Everyone seemed to be watching me and that wasn't something I enjoyed.

I heard my stomach grumble again and I forgot completely about the test, I squeezed my face in an awkward frown.

I have always watched my pack kill and feed on dead animals, I would run into my bedroom at the sight of it vomiting, I wondered if I would finally be made to eat a dead animal today.

My father once told me that I needed to feed to activate my wolf form else I won't be strong like the rest neither will I heal quick which makes me unfit for the position ahead of me.

But that was one thing I loved about being a wolf, we were very strong and healed quickly from our wounds.

At least, we weren't the vampires that fed on human blood to get stronger, they call us beasts but that's not who we are, we love peace, unity, togetherness, we understand what family is all about and we have traditions.

We arrived at a lea and formed a large circle.

A fresh meat lay in the middle, I had seen my father kill it earlier, he was the strongest in our pack but not in the Boldclaw pack, Kayne was regarded as the strongest there.

He came forward to eat from it first and so did Kayne, it was the tradition for the male Alphas of both packs to feed first on the full moon.

I shrugged at the sight of the animal which had it's intestine ripped out of it's belly "I'm never going to eat that" I thought.

I raised my claw staring at it, everything was beginning to dawn on me " Did I actually turned into a wolf?"

I noticed the drool finding it's way out of their mouth, the wolves looked hungry and I could tell that they couldn't wait to fill their belly with the flesh of the dead animal.

My mother and Kayne's mother Emelia stepped forward, she had a dark wolf form just like her son but my mother was so bright, my father would always say that she was the most charming woman he has ever met.

I stared at her, even in her wolf form she still looked very beautiful.

It was my turn, my eyes deemed with fear with my four legs shaking from the heavy stares from both packs, I kept my chin up at the knowledge of that making sure I didn't let my guard down, it was the to prove that I was truly an alpha and a wolf.

My parents stared at me.

I swallowed hard leaning forward like a lost cat, I couldn't say no to my parents else my father might not take it likely with me and my pack will consider me weak and unfit to be their next leader.

I deeped my mouth into the dead animal, I shut my eyes feeling so much pity for the poor thing that had fallen a prey to my pack.

I took a huge bite, my eyes got brighter, it tasted different from the way I had imagined it to be "delicious" I mumbled.

My wolf form was doing wonders already, while I fed, I felt stronger.

It was more like they knew all along what was going through my mind all along.


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