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Moonlight Queen novel Chapter 3

I scoffed but remained silent for a while with my thoughts enveloped with how horrible it would feel to finally be called his mate "I would be in my car now while I wait for the rest."

I walked past him.-

Kayne walked ahead of me and blocked me "you don't look happy, don't you want to be my mate?"

I didn't say a word, I only watched him in silence.

"Yvonne we used to like each other so much when we were younger, what happened along the way?"

"Nothing happened Kayne and I didn't say that I wouldn't like to be your mate, so can I go now?" I asked, I couldn't stand spending another minute in his presence.

He stepped aside and I walked past him with my heart pounding very hard in my chest.

Yvonne's father Arthur had been hiding behind a tree listening to their conversation he walked into the scene standing behind Kayne.

Kayne had noticed his presence earlier but acted like he wasn't aware "your daughter doesn't seem to be so interested in this union."

Arthur chuckled "you don't know Yvonne so well, do you? She is more than delighted to be with you but as a woman that she is, she would always like to play hard to get."

He laughed "women and their troubles" he said walking away.

Kayne nodded with his gaze still fixed at the direction Yvonne had gone through "but she would be mine and the two packs would be mine to lead forever, I can't wait to marry your daughter and get rid of you Arthur."

His mother came behind him, Kaune smelt her presence, he took a deep breath.

"I'm glad that the wedding have been fixed, making their daughter marry you is the worse mistake of their miserable lives, Arthur must pay for what he and the witches did to my husband and our people" she said looking extremely furious, her eyes had flashes of red.

Kayne chortled turning to face her "surely they would mother, I will make sure of that."

She smiled "I'm proud of you son."

The Boldclaw pack retired to their fort and so did we.

I heard my mother's footsteps behind me as I approached my bedroom, I ignored it walking into my bedroom.

"Your father told me that you were showing Kayne that you had no interest in marrying him, is that true Yvonne?" She asked me angrily.

"I would have preferred being slaughtered like a chicken other than being used to seal some sort of peace contract that has nothing to do with me" I fired back.

She paused staring at me....

I already read her thoughts through her reaction "yes he told me and when were you thinking of telling me about this mother? When I'm finally married to him?" I was furious.

She walked quickly to where I stood and grabbed my hand "it isn't the way you think it is my child, we had no choice and you were the only hope for peace, what your father did was sacrilege, he would have been killed if he didn't agree to the tradition."

I pulled my hands off hers at once moving backwards "that's all I keep hearing, tradition this, tradition that, don't you think I also have my life to live?"

"You are a wolf Yvonne and your life is here" I heard my father's thunderous voice echoe into my bedroom.

I turned around and saw him standing at the door dressed in his mantle, every wolf pack leader wears that.

My father was one person I was so scared of, yes I was scared of my mother but it wasn't compared to how I feared my father.

I have watched him kill people at ease at the slightest of provocation and I knew so well that he could do the same to me if I dared disobey him.

"All we seek is peace and your marriage to Kayne will bring us that peace we seek" he said looking straight at my face.

I trembled slightly standing behind my mother, I grabbed her hand slowly.

She took a glance at me, she could see my fears.

"Yvonne you would do nothing to jeopardize what has been decreed many years ago, you must marry Kayne" he turned around to leave.

"Father..." I called out and he stopped.

"Yvonne..." My mother whispered in fear trying to stop me.

I ignored her and stepped forward "I just gained admission into the university father, at least allow me finish my education and enjoy what's left of my youthful age" I said wondering if I used the right words.

"I have spoken Yvonne and my words are final" he stormed out of my room without turning back to look at me.

I sagged my shoulders looking totally depressed "mother what would my friends say when I tell them that I'm getting married?" I asked angrily hoping my mother could understand my fears.

She rubbed my cheeks "if your friends were in your shoes Yvonne, they would do the right thing, you should sleep now."

She walked out of my bedroom.

I slumped into my bed, my mother has always been behind my father's shadow, supporting everything he does and says without questioning his orders, I wondered if that's what I would be subjected to once I agree to be mated to Kayne.

Chapter 3 1


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