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Moonlight Queen novel Chapter 6

She turned to the rest of the witches "Susan consulted me earlier after Father Bosco left about the wolf girl's offer called Yvonne who happened to be the daughter of Catherine, the greatest witch in history, the very one we have been looking for" she smiled.

Lucy gasped "What? And all these while we never knew? How sure are you about that?"

"I tried to read her mind earlier today, but I couldn't, it was more like something was blocking me from accessing her mind, something so powerful" Susan said looking straight at their faces clenching her fist.

"Only Catherine Brooks can cast such a powerful spell" Lucy said.

"She truly is her daughter" Geraldine smiled.

"We followed her earlier today just like Geraldine had asked to see if we could locate her home and get to meet with Catherine without going through her but her car varnished without a single trace in the middle of the road, I must say I was impressed" Helen said.

"Indeed you were, that was why you didn't try a locator spell isn't it? Geraldine asked in anger hitting her hand on the table.

"I tried Geraldine, I really tried my best but nothing was working" Helen said sadly spreading her hands apart.

Lucy walked up to her and rubbed her shoulders squeezing it gently "Geraldine you speak like you don't know how powerful Catherine is, now we don't have any other choice than to play the little wolf's game, we need to put father Bosco where he truly belongs before he destroys us and the coven for good."

Geraldine chortled "if we must defeat father Bosco we need a force stronger and more powerful than us."

Martha stood to her feet moving away from the rest of the witches, she moved close to the window.

The witches didn't notice her movement except Susan who followed her behind leaving Lucy and the rest to their discussion.

"What is it Martha?" Susan asked nudging her softly.

Her dark eyes balls had turned blue "am I the only one here who smells danger?"

Susan chuckled "danger has always been lurking around us Martha, what are you saying?"

Martha shook her head "I smell a danger stronger than that of Father Bosco but I can't really detect exactly what it is or who it is" she said glaring at Susan.

Susan took a quick glance around, she putted her hands foward taking a deep breath, every where became silent, she could barely hear a pin falling, she felt drawn out of the universe with her body floating in the air, they called it witches survey. She was trying to understand what Martha was saying and see things for herself.

"Susan, Martha, come right here" Lucy ordered.

They were both startled and drawn back to their world, they turned around and walked back to where the rest stood.

"What was the meaning of that?" Lucy asked.

"Nothing.... we are sorry" Martha said.

"Silly girls..." Lucy muttered looking a little upset.

"Susan and Helen we leave you both to the task of bringing Yvonne here, we must know when we would meet her mother, prepare ourselves and aswell grant whatever wish her mother couldn't grant her" Geraldine said laughing as the rest joined her.

Helen and Susan headed out of the science laboratory afterwards, they have always been best of friends.

They notice Alexander standing with a girl whom they believed was the new girl, while Drake stood some distance away scrolling through his phone.

"These must be the new students" Helen whispered.

Susan nodded "so it seems."

"Why does it look like the new guy is already too close to that gril?" Helen asked disgusted by their posture down the hall way.

Susan shrugged "I guess that's what happens when you leave two new students in a registration office for so long and run off for witches affair."

Susan stared at Helen for a while and smiled.

The concentration and rage with which she stared at them made her laugh a bit.

"Why are you laughing?" Helen asked with a british accent giving her away.

"You like him Helen don't you?" Susan giggled.

Helen smiled "I like the one standing with the girl, he looks just like my type and I want him."

Susan rubbed her shoulder "we are witches Helen and so we always get what we want."

They watched as Alexander left with Drake.

Helen and Susan walked past the girl as Helen intentionally nudged the girl with her shoulder.

"Hey! watch it" the girl yelled.

Helen stopped and walked back to her "watch what?" She asked staring deep into her eyes.

The girl scoffed "you just hit me?"

"Oh! Did I?" Helen arched her brow.

The girl remained silent glaring at her.

Chapter 6 1

Chapter 6 2


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