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Moonlight Queen novel Chapter 4

I watched as Helen stole a glance at Susan, I knew what they were feeling at that moment, but that was the least of my worries, one thing I learned from my mother is that no good thing on earth comes without a price, if they truly need help, they should be ready to do what I want.

"But I need something from you inexchange for that" I said looking up at their faces.-

"And what might that be?" Susan asked looking determined to do whatever it takes to save their asses from father Bosco.

I winked, I loved that look on her face and it was a huge plus for me "definitely making progress Yvonne" I mumbled smiling.

"I need you to cast a spell for me, a spell my mother or no one else would ever know anything about" I said with a smirk at the end of my lips.

Susan chortled "hmmm... interesting, someone is about to do very bad things behind daddy and mummy's back" she said standing in front of me.

I could feel her trying to get into my head, no one has ever tried that with me, I was beginning to see that taking up my wolf form came with alot of exposure to danger and responsibilities though I'm yet to shoulder one.

"I know what you're trying to do Susan, don't worry...it won't work" I said laughing softly.

I could see the frustration on her face "mummy has actually fortified her girl, that's pretty good of her huh?" She looked up at my face.

I folded my arms staring at her "are you actually expecting me to answer that?"

Susan sighed "What exactly do you want?" She asked me angrily.

"That's a vety good question Susan, what I want wouldn't cost you much, you would find out once you are ready to see my mother, you would have to do it for me before I can grant you access to her" I said boldly.

I shrugged "besides, I don't intend to do bad things, I rather wish to do what's right."

Helen looked away without saying a word.

"Let's see who is smarter now father" I mumbled clenching my fists.

I was sure the witches had no choice other than to do just like I have asked.

I walked past them and turned around "it's your choice to make, grant my request or continue getting slaughtered daily by Father Bosco."

My phone beeped, I took it out of my pocket and stared at the screen "I would leave you witches to decide" I said looking straight into their eyes.

I stormed out of the restroom heading back to the class room, I was so sure that the witches had no escape from father Bosco and my mother was the only one who could help which also meant that I will definitely get what I want.

"Hey! Yvonne, where were you?" Lora asked grabbing my hand when she saw me.

"I got your text, why were you looking for me? I can't recall snatching your boyfriend" I teased making faces at them while I sat in between my friends.

They laughed pushing me by the shoulder "you're nuts" Lora yelled.

I laughed.

Grace pulled my hand drawing me closer.

"Great! I knew they were calling me because they wanted to gossip, I scoffed in silence.

"Father Bosco was here, a new girl was caught, she is a witch" she said with her hands trembling.

"Oh! That's too bad, did the witch girl try to hurt anyone?" I asked pretending not to know anything.

They gasped staring at me.

"We don't have to wait before they start killing us Yvonne, I'm glad father Bosco is out for the witches, I really can't stand being bewitched" Grace said.

I wanted to laugh, what does she even know about witches and being bewitched?

"Are you laughing?" Grace asked looking surprised.

"No, not at all" I answered with a silent chortle.

Lora sighed "you know, this isn't funny at all, you know how bad witches can be, listen if you aren't scared Yvonne, I am."

I nodded "yeah, you should be scared but you should also learn to mind your own business else someday your mouth might get you in to trouble, anyone around can be a witch and when they hear you, they are definitely getting your guts cutted" I sat erect taking glances at them.

Grace swallowed hard taking a glance at Lora who helplessly took a quick glance around the noisy class.

I folded my arms, their was no witch around so they were lucky, even if the witches were close, how would my friends ever know? They are humans.

They are the greatest of friends anyone could ever have and I was happy having them around, with them I get to forget my worries and troubles the wolf life have brought my way.

Lora cleared her throat "I almost forgot to tell you Yvonne, three other students got registered here today too, two cute guys and a real pretty girl" Lora said smiling.

Grace nudged me "you never can tell Yvonne, the girl might be our friend in future."

I hissed at that, letting people become my friends wasn't something I was so good at, I was very selective with everything I do.

Chapter 4 1

Chapter 4 2

Chapter 4 3


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