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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 122

Rachel's fear turned out to be right. The patient's condition worsened quickly and she was sent into the operating room.

She knew something bad was bound to happen if Kevin didn't change the medicine in his prescription. However, she didn't expect it would happen so quickly.

Even Kevin hadn't guessed the gravity of the situation. Once it sank in, he changed his clothes and entered the operating room hurriedly.

After ten minutes into the operation, beats of sweat formed on Kevin's forehead. In spite of their effort, the patient hadn't had any improvement. She was still in a critical condition.

Her vital organs were slowly failing and the cold sweat on his forehead began to slide down profusely.

After further inspection, it was discovered that the patient's wound hadn't healed well and was slightly infected.

Everyone in the operating room had the same panicky look on their face. No matter how scared everyone was, Kevin seemed determined to finish the operation.

There was a part of him that wanted to flaunt his success in front of Rachel.

After what happened in the morning, Kevin was ■d

really mad at her.

If he failed this operation, he would be sneered by Rachel!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt ashamed.

But his firm determination compelled him to go on with the operation. 'I can do it!' he kept telling himself. But half an hour passed and there was no improvement in the patient's condition.

Suddenly, Rachel, who was in her own office, was asked to go to the operation room.

It was said that the situation was very critical. Rachel was extremely surprised. She never thought that the patient's condition would get worse so soon.

Without wasting a second, she wore her operating clothes. Before she could enter the operating room, the door opened from inside.

When a nurse came out, Rachel was taken aback and her heart skipped a beat.

She looked at her, with her lips slightly wriggling under the mask, and said, "Rachel, there's no need to go in. The patient is no longer...."

Rachel stood frozen and didn't know what to


People died in the hospital every day. Sometimes, she had witnessed more than five deaths in a day. In short, death wasn't a novelty in hospitals.

However, what happened today had drawn a lot of attention to the hospital. The female patient was ■d

announced to be dead at 4:28 p.m.

The family of the deceased couldn't come to terms with the truth. They had been hopeful about her survival. Unable to take this news, they sat outside the operating room, wailing their hearts out.

The executive and the directors of the hospital, who got the news, rushed over at once. They were informed that the family of the deceased patient was making trouble.

As soon as they reached the operating room, they were displeased with the spectacle they were making. There was an old, haggard woman clinging tightly onto her daughter who lay limply on the operating table.

The executive stepped back and whispered something to the people behind him and left.

That patient's death had caused a disturbance. Her family blamed the doctor and nurses for not treating her properly and didn't accept the fact that they had done their best.

While they were quarreling fiercely, it was quite calm in Rachel's office. She returned to the office and there was nothing else for her to do.

The thought of that girl's death was burdening her mind. Every now and then, she thought about Kevin and his mistake. She wasn't a hundred percent sure this wouldn't have happened if he had changed the medicine. But...

She thought for a long time, but she could not think of a result. In the end, she concluded that the doctor had delayed the patient's treatment. And it wouldn't matter whether it was ignorance or done ■d

on purpose. This was enough to destroy any doctor's career.

Rachel was not a fool. Everything was as clear as the day light. Some investigation was bound to take place.

This morning, she had quarreled with Kevin and the patient was announced dead in the afternoon. All this pointed to the fact that delay in changing medicine had a hand in it.

Nearly everyone had seen Rachel quarrel with Kevin this morning. It was not difficult to know the reason behind their argument. While it happened, several heads had craned their neck to hear what was happening.

Rachel and Kevin were arguing about the medicine issue. She thought that he prescribed the wrong medicine, so she asked him to change it. Kevin, however, insisted he was right and thought she didn't know about the patient's situation.

Those who sneered at Rachel in secret then began to look at her in awe now.

The situation turned out to be a little beyond their expectations. This time, nobody dared to gossip or discuss. They were waiting to see what would happen.

One thing they knew for sure was that Kevin was in trouble this time.

Rachel thought that she would have nothing to do with it, but before she got off work, she was called to the executive's office.

She was not the only one being called. The room was filled with the executive, nurses, Kevin and two families of the diseased.

In order to avoid any trouble, the executive specifically gathered all the people concerned here.

They would like to solve the dispute in private.


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