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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 123

Kevin sat in a daze. He couldn't believe his ears. He had thought Rachel would blurt out about the prescription. But nothing of that sort happened.

She had reminded him of the prescription's problem, but he didn't listen and even scolded her.

All this made Kevin believe that Rachel would use this opportunity to get him fired. After all, he deserved it.

But the scene which was unraveling before him was one he didn't expect.

When Rachel finished, the executive slightly sighed, looked up at Sheila and said, "Miss, did you hear that? If you still don't believe us, we can provide you with all of the record of her condition during her stay in this hospital."

Sheila couldn't stand this any longer. She shouted angrily, "Nothing these people say or show will put my mind at ease. I am not here for the evidence! The doctor told me she would be fine after 24 hours' observation in the ICU. But what happened next? My sister died!"

Nobody made a reply, so she continued, "She had been admitted there for several days. During this time, you told me she was okay! I spoke to your doctor and nurses! None of you told me we were going to lose her."

Sheila almost lost control and cried out. The thought of her sister broke her heart into pieces. ■d

Rachel took a look at Kevin who was sitting in the corner, poker faced.

What a chaotic afternoon! Everyone tried to comfort the mother and daughter, but nothing would soothe them.

In spite of their efforts, they seemed hell-bent on accusing the hospital for what happened.

Except for their conviction, there was no evidence which would prove there was any relation between the death and hospital's negligence. This relieved the executive's worried mind. Without solid proof, nobody could harm them.

That night, Rachel didn't come back from the hospital until it was midnight.

On her way back home, she noticed there were few cars on the street. This allowed Rachel to drive as fast as she wished. The incidents of the hospital wouldn't leave her. Her head was buzzing, on the verge of explosion.

Before she went home, she had visited the deceased, hoping to get one last glimpse of that lady's face. Looking at it, she thought there was something serene about her. But her heart cried at the sight. After all, she was only twenty- five or twenty-six. There was so much in life she deserved to see.

Rachel took a deep breath and slowly covered the cloth again. She felt like a black hole was breaking open in her heart. All her negative emotions were rushing into the black hole desperately.

When she came out, her hands and feet were slightly cold. She didn't know if the air conditioner was on or perhaps some other reason had led to this.

As she walked, she couldn't help but wonder what the outcome would have been if Kevin had changed the medicine in time.

'Or perhaps if I had been more careful while inspecting her two days ago, things may have been better. I should have made an effort to take good care of her. And then this day wouldn't have come,' she thought to herself.

Just when she was drowning in her miserable thoughts, someone called her from behind, "Doctor! Doctor!"

Rachel came to a halt. She heard the footsteps behind her and turned around and saw Sheila. Sheila's eyes were red and swollen.

This lady resembled her sister in a lot of ways. Rachel's hands slightly trembled. To hide it from Sheila, she put both the hands in her pockets.

In a very indifferent voice, she said, "Yes, do you want something?"

"Doctor!" She almost reached to hug Rachel. But on giving it a second thought, she believed it might come across as impolite.

Sheila slightly lowered her head and choked with sobs. She asked in a low voice, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Rachel pursed her lips and said, "Yes, come with me."

Sheila's eyes lit up and followed her. There was ■d

something warm about this female doctor. She couldn't help but believe she was the only trustworthy person in this hospital.

And there was no way she would leave without giving her sister justice. Everyone responsible would have to pay for it.

The patient's condition had been worsening since the last few days. Sheila went around and asked people to help. But her words fell on deaf ears. Kevin consoled her saying her sister was getting better.

According to him, her health was stable.

If everything had been fine, why had she died?

There were too many loopholes in their words! Sheila couldn't believe it.

She had asked the doctor and nurses worriedly, but none of them implied her death. They made her look like an idiot who was worrying for nothing. And now, her sister was dead and she wasn't even mildly prepared for it.

On top of that, her mother's condition was worsening. Her whole world had collapsed. At the moment, her biggest desire was to be with her mom. She had no energy in investigating the case.

But the behavior of the doctor made her suspicious. She couldn't let the hospital go so easily.

She wanted to get an explanation from the hospital, but she didn't expect that the so-called executive of the hospital would dismiss the case so easily. ■d

He was completely partial to the doctor and nurses!

Sheila repressed her anger. She had seen many medical disputes before.

The media often reported them. In order to prevent something from happening, she had decided to send her sister's body out of the hospital first. Only then, she could take actions.

When she met Rachel here, she hoped that lady would shed some light on her sister's death. Something told her this woman knew more than she showed.

On top of everything, there was sorrow in her eyes which was missing in other staff members.

She believed that the female doctor must know something and if she would squeeze it out of her, her mission in attaining justice for her sister would be possible.

Rachel took her back to her office and closed the door. Sheila was a little nervous and took a deep breath, readying herself for what she was going to ask.

When Rachel turned around, she took a step forward, clenching her fists which were drooping beside her.


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