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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 237

Celine was pleased, but she didn't step forward. She shouldn't show her arrogance in front of Jack. It might send out the wrong message.

She had already overheard what Rachel said. She was right to say that Jack still cared for Celine.

Although it was hard to get Jack back now, she knew him very well.

She knew if she continued to push herself towards him, he would continue pushing her away.

As long as the man continued to care for her, she would do everything to disturb their marriage.

The angrier Rachel was, the more distant they would be from each other.

Celine would do everything to cause trouble in their marriage.

She wanted to let everyone see how much of a hypocrite Rachel was. She wanted everyone to see her take off her mask. Celine wanted to expose her for who she was.

Apart from her family background, how could Rachel even compare to her? Celine stood still, and her eyes flashed.

In the next three days, Rachel's life suddenly morphed back to what it had been like before.

Jack and Celine didn't show up on her doorstep.

She would go to work and return home once she was off work.

Although everything seemed to have gone back to the way it was, Rachel knew that the events that had transpired before this were not part of her dreams. However, she wished they were.

Honestly, she was simply surprised that Jack didn't follow her out that night.

In fact, when she returned to her house, he didn't even bother to call her.

It was as if both her appearance and disappearance didn't affect him at all.

Rachel had told him that he shouldn't find her until he made his decision, but she didn't expect that he would follow through with her words.

He really didn't show up.

Did that mean something?

Ever since she left Jack and Celine behind that day, Rachel had been drowning in her thoughts.

Unable to calm herself down, she decided to mock herself even more. 'Look at you, an unloved housewife,' she mocked.

On the third day, Rachel tossed and turned in bed for a long time. However, she still couldn't fall asleep.

She couldn't help but reminisce all the times she had been with Jack. Her heart ached at the thought.

She got so used to having someone by her side. Every morning when she woke up, she would be met with cold sheets. It would take her seconds to realize what had happened, and when she did, she could feel wetness on her cheeks.

Rachel gritted her teeth.

'Did you really just dump me just because your ex returned?' she thought.

She cleared her mind and set for a while. Soon enough, the drowsiness kicked in, and she fell into an uncomfortable nap.

It had been four days, and Jack still didn't show up. This time, she couldn't help but feel a little bit worried.

After cleaning up, Rachel changed into her clothes and went out. Today, she was going to have a meeting in the neighboring province. When she got out of her apartment, she checked if all the necessary things were in her bag.

Once she had confirmed that everything was there, she began to walk.

However, as she was about to reach the stairway, she paused.

She froze as an unsettling feeling rushed through her system. Without another word, she turned around and walked back to her apartment to see if she had forgotten something.

Feeling strange all over, Rachel couldn't help but peak at the guest room only for her jaw to drop when it wasn't completely closed.

She thought that the housekeeper must've forgotten to close the door, so she reached for the doorknob.

However, just as her fingers grazed against the doorknob, she felt something strange.

The housekeeper just cleaned the floor yesterday. There shouldn't be footprints around the doorway.

Staring into the crack again, her heart skipped a beat.

'What's wrong? Is there a thief?' she thought.

Holding her breath, she quickly opened the door. At the same time, her heart was beating wildly in her chest.

When she pushed the door open, the scene wasn't what she had expected. In fact, everything was folded neatly.

The room was quiet. Streams of sunlight shot through the gap, causing the hardwood floor to glisten right back.

Rachel breathed a sigh of relief. However, she couldn't help but feel a hint of disappointment that she didn't find anybody.

It seemed that she thought too much about this.

Rachel lowered her head and glanced at her watch. Just as she was about to leave, her face darkened. She sniffed.

A strange smell wafted around the room. Rachel frowned.

She entered the room and glanced around.

She walked along the shelf and picked up one of the books. However, the smell didn't come from the pages.

No, it was far more distinct. In fact, it smelled like liquor.

Without another word, she turned around and walked towards the bathroom. She made sure that her footsteps were light and swift.

The closer she got the door, the more distinct the scent became.


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