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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 238

Although Baron thought so too, he knew that he had to be polite to Howard.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Wu."

"You're welcome."

Howard was about to say something else, but was interrupted before he could speak once more.

"Everything is fine here, now. You don't need to worry about it any further."

Howard's face froze, and he suddenly looked awkward when he laughed.

But Baron simply could not conceal the mark of impatience on his face. He glanced at Jack who stood beside him. "I can handle my girlfriend's problem. No need for other people to get involved with it," he said with a smug expression.

Embarrassment was written all over Howard's face. Jack, however, remained unaffected and said something to Howard.

Howard then nodded. Jack didn't say another word, turned around and left them. Baron never expected that Celine would be so bold to do what she did while he was in the ward.

She dragged Jack to the balcony where they were alone and had a good chat with him. She went there with him on purpose to make herself look pitiful in front of him.

She was not doing anything sneaky or tricky when Rachel saw them together.

She told Jack the story of her experiences after she left Ninwell City.

She intentionally left out the details of everything that happened to her during those days. Instead, she focused on the parts where she suffered while living in another city.

She admitted to feeling embarrassed that she had no choice but to date Baron so that she could have protection, support and safety.

But she understood that if she only told Jack how much she regretted to leave him,

all she'd get from Jack after her story would be disdain and a cold look.

Thus, Celine's approach was to imply that the reason why she experienced so much difficulty in her life in another city was because she was separated from Jack and the Fu family had something to do with it.

She even went so far as to set aside her attitude and begged for Jack's mercy. She acted like she hoped that Jack would be affected by her pleas so that he'd let her go and call off the people who were making her life miserable.

When Jack heard her story, he thought that she implied that the people who came and made trouble for her and made her life difficult were sent to her by the Fu family.

Celine knew that Jack was a gentleman, even though their relationship ended up that way.

Jack was not the kind of man who would deliberately make things difficult for a woman just to vent out his anger or frustration.

Thus, Celine was looking forward to Jack's favorable response.

Jack lowered his head and spoke to her in a low, deep and beguiling voice.

Celine took this chance and leaned against him. This was the situation that they were in when Rachel arrived.

From the corner of the corridor, Celine watched as his tall imposing figure walking away. Her face suddenly sank in frustration along with her heart.

She squinted her eyes and the flicker of an idea flashed through her eyes. One edge of her lips slightly curled upward and formed an odd smile.

During the past three days when Rachel became so restless, Jack had always been there with her.

Jack went home very late when he had an argument with Rachel in the hospital.

It was because he was uneasy with the thought of seeing Rachel still angry or unhappy with him.

It was already three in the morning when Jack finally got home. She was used to having a small lamp in the living room while she waited for him, but when he got back home that late evening, all that he could see was darkness.

When the darkness greeted him in the living room, he was stunned and sad.

He felt a sting in his heart. He thought that Rachel was already asleep in the bedroom.

He quietly entered the bedroom and silently approached the bed.

It was so dark inside the bedroom. Jack didn't want to suddenly appear in front of Rachel without warning in the middle of the night and possibly scare her.

So he hesitated getting on the bed that night. After hesitating for a moment, he turned around to leave.

When he finally reached the door of the bedroom, he felt that something was very wrong. If Rachel was there sleeping in the bed, why was it so quiet that even her breathing could not be heard? Did he unintentionally wake her up when Jack entered the room?

He hesitated for a while because he didn't want to disturb Rachel's sleep. "Rachel?" he called out gently to her.

There was no response from Rachel.

He called out to her once more, but there was still no answer from Rachel. He paused for a moment and remained silent.

"I'm turning on the light," he said in a soft voice.

A moment later, a soft comfortable light filled the entire bedroom.

Jack then turned around and stared at the empty bed.

The bed was neatly arranged. It was exactly how it looked when they left it that morning.

Rachel was nowhere in the bedroom and from how the bed looked, she was never there that evening.

Jack immediately panicked and searched all of the rooms of the house one by one. It was like he lost the most important treasure that he had.

After he checked the other rooms, he went to the bathroom to check.

Rachel never came back to the house from the hospital. This was the only conclusion that Jack had based on what he saw in the house.

An idea suddenly struck him. He hurriedly opened the closet where all of Rachel's clothes were. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that her clothes were still there.

Since all of Rachel's clothes were still in the closet, he was convinced that she never ran away.

However, this new information did not give him any relief, but made him feel even more anxious.

He had no idea where Rachel would go.


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