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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 275

Rachel failed to persuade Lea, so in the end, she agreed.

Anyway, she had heard that Alice had been forced to stay at home, so how could she come out now?

On the way to the cafe, Lea pondered about why Alice would want to meet her all of a sudden. Was Alice really afraid that she would get back together with Gregory?

She just couldn't understand why Alice was so paranoid about her relationship with Gregory, which had happened years ago, not to mention that they hadn't even been in love with each other. How could they rekindle their relationship?

Although Rachel agreed to go with her, she still secretly sent a message to Jack to inform him of their whereabouts.

She was afraid that something bad would happen, especially considering that Lea was pregnant.

When they walked up to Alice in the cafe, the latter's face changed. She hadn't expected two people to show up. However, she just glanced at Rachel before fixing her eyes on Lea, her heart filled with envy. The first time she had met this little girl, she herself had been as beautiful as a blossoming rose.

After so many years, her face had gotten older.

But now, Lea had grown up into a beautiful woman with charming facial features.

Seeing Lea like this made Alice feel even more uneasy.

Her fear that Lea had come to take revenge grew stronger. Otherwise, how could Lea be in a relationship with Henry? It was too much of a coincidence.

Lea sat down and asked, "Why did you want to see me?"

Alice hadn't expected her to be so direct. Playing with the car keys in her hand, she said slowly, "I wanted to talk to you."

The glossy table reflected the harsh afternoon sunlight that was sweeping in from the window.

As the two of them spoke, Rachel checked her phone to see if she had received any reply from Jack. When she saw that she had not received any new messages, she frowned.

'Didn't he see my message? What's he doing?' she wondered.

Just then, the waiter walked over to the table to take their order. "Two cups of coffee, please," Alice said authoritatively.

Lea pursed her lips in displeasure, unable to believe that Alice was rude enough to order on their behalf. "No, thanks. I'm pregnant, so I shouldn't drink coffee. Just get to the point," she said impatiently.

Upon hearing Lea's words, Alice's expression changed slightly.

She suddenly stopped fidgeting with her car keys. Her eyes, which were fixed on Lea's face, slowly slid down to her belly.

Caught off guard by Alice's creepy stare, Lea shivered and couldn't help but shrink back in her chair. "Well?" she prompted.

With a stunned expression on her face, Alice asked, "You're pregnant?"

Rachel and Lea exchanged perturbed glances, sensing that something was wrong with Alice.

"Yes," Lea replied with a hint of annoyance. "What did you want to talk to me about?" Alice's face suddenly broke into a smile.

She turned to the waiter and said, "Bring some juice for these two ladies."

The waiter nodded and turned to Lea and Rachel. "Anything else?"

Rachel randomly ordered some snacks, after which the waiter left with the menu. Alice stopped smiling, as if something had just occurred to her. "Is this how you treat an elder?"

It was ridiculous for Alice to make such an entitled remark to Lea, especially since she was the one who had caused trouble for Lea before.

Looking at Alice with a forced smile, Lea folded her arms and leaned back comfortably.

"Miss Qin, you don't look like an elder to me," she said, watching Alice's face carefully.

Alice had changed a lot. Several years ago, she had been a proud lady who always wore delicate makeup and high heels.

The woman in front of her now, however, had pined away and her eyes were wrinkled with age.

Her face was pale without makeup, and,

although she was still rude, she was not as domineering and arrogant as she had been before.

Lea had heard from Henry that Alice had

suffered a lot in her relationship with Gregory.

She wondered if that had caused Alice's disposition to change.

As she looked at Alice, she suddenly

remembered something else that Henry had told her—Alice and Gregory were distant relatives.

Their relationship was indeed complicated! Alice had chased after Gregory for so many years only to find out that they were related.

Thinking of that, Lea began to feel sorry for Alice.

However, at that moment, Alice sneered, "You are such a glib talker."

Then, she picked up the cup of coffee in front of her and took a sip before continuing, "Anyway, I'm not here to settle past accounts."

Lea couldn't help but laugh. "Are you kidding me? What past accounts are there for us to settle? Miss Qin, you must be kidding."

Alice put down the coffee cup, her face darkening once more. She took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions.


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