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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 276

When Alice left and the crowd gradually dispersed, Rachel and Lea went to the counter to pay for the damages.

But they suddenly heard a loud noise outside.

Shocked, everyone turned their head to look outside. One of the waiters ran outdoor to check what happened, then hurriedly went back to report what he saw. Nervousness was all over his face as he stammered, "There's a car accident. It's the woman who has just left." He then turned to Lea and added, "She is the woman that you have talked with just now. Would you like to go out and have a look?"

The white Maserati Alice drove was rammed by a roaring BMW down the road.

The driver might have lost control and swerved towards the road lamp. Then a truck crashed into its back.

The scene looked terrifying. The Maserati was askew towards a telephone booth. Its bumper was badly damaged since it hit the road lamp, and the tail that was hit by the truck was sunken.

The door of the passenger seat was open. The woman in the driver's seat was still awake, but her face was covered with blood. It seemed that she was also in shock. She raised her hand and touched her forehead, and when she saw the blood, she looked terrified.

Lea, who was standing outside, called her name anxiously, "Alice! Alice! Are you all right? Alice!"

Dumbfounded, she turned her head and saw Lea's worried face. Instead of answering, she just pressed her lips as blood continued to gush from her forehead.

She suddenly broke down and sobbed like a child. Since the lower part of her body was stuck, she couldn't get out of the car.

She raised her hands to cover her face and continued crying out loud.

The ambulance arrived in just a short while, so Alice was immediately rushed to the hospital. Rachel and Lea followed them.

According to the policemen, the car was badly damaged. She was lucky enough that she had only gotten some scratches and abrasions on her forehead and ankles.

Although she knew that Rachel and Lea were there to accompany her, she chose to ignore them.

Lea wouldn't take the initiative to talk to her either. She didn't say anything ever since they arrived at the hospital. When Rachel went to the cashier to pay Alice's hospital bill, she just followed quietly too. After paying, Rachel talked to the doctor first, and then they sat down to wait. They were told that a lawyer was coming to deal with the legalities of the car accident.

They also needed to wait for the Qin family to arrive.

Alice left the house secretly, so none of her family members knew that she was outside.

They didn't even know that she drove a car. She had actually invited Lea to meet at the cafe, but she didn't bring a single penny with her.

At first, Lea was worried that she would have been aggressive and violent. Fortunately, she didn't cause too much trouble.

The doctor said that Alice didn't have any severe injuries.

Lea heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing it. After all, Alice was Henry's aunt. Although it wasn't her fault that she had an accident, she still felt responsible for what happened to her.

She was afraid that if something bad happened to Alice, Henry would hate her.

She had already called him a while ago, but it would take a two-hour drive from his location to the hospital.

All they could do now was wait anxiously. She leaned on Rachel's shoulder, took a deep breath, and said regretfully, "I shouldn't have come to meet her.

And I shouldn't have said those words to her."

She thought that what she said annoyed Alice.

After all, her boyfriend became a remote relative and having three miscarriages were something Alice couldn't bear.

Rachel patted her slightly plump face and comforted her, "You can't take back what you have already said. Don't blame yourself so much."

She thought that Lea should have learned a lesson from today's incident.

But all of a sudden, her mood changed. She murmured, "I didn't regret what I said at that time. You knew how much I wanted to strangle that woman. I wanted to beat her!"

She couldn't help gnashing her teeth in anger.

How could she forgive the person who had insulted and hurt her when she was young?

Seeing Alice again aroused the hatred that she had been hiding deep in her heart.

Rachel understood what Lea was feeling right now, so she was there to support her.

She knew that Lea was an independent woman who would always want to deal with her problems by herself. But this time, she needed someone to be with her.

The only thing that Rachel needed to do was comfort and guide Lea.

And this was something she was good at. A few hours later, Henry, his grandmother, and Gregory arrived at the hospital.

Lea talked to them and explained what happened.

Whatever they were thinking about her, she couldn't tell. The Qin family had some issues recently, and this accident added up to their load.

They couldn't even understand why Alice had to go out and meet Lea.

On the way to the hospital, Henry's grandmother had a lot of speculations about what happened. But now that she was seeing her daughter lying in bed, she was in a daze.


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