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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 327

'Hypoglycemia?' Rachel was confused.

Celia always liked eating. She always said that she would rather die eating than die starving. It was hard to believe that she had hypoglycemia.

Rachel was restless while she sat and was about to stand up, but Jack pressed her shoulder to prevent her from standing.

She was surprised that Jack seemed to know exactly what to ask the attending doctor. "Does her hypoglycemia have anything to do with her diet?"

"It is probably from very low blood sugar that resulted from going on a diet to lose weight," the doctor replied with a frown. "What puzzles me, though, is why a good-looking girl like her has a very bad hygiene.

Don't worry about the rashes on her face. That's just skin allergy. You're her friends. Talk to her about maintaining proper hygiene. It doesn't matter how good your figure is. If you don't have good personal hygiene, then you'd still be unattractive to guys."

'What? Celia doesn't have a good personal hygiene?' Rachel wondered to herself.

She doubted whether the patient that the doctor described was really Celia. 'Maybe it's a completely different girl who has the same name.'

They entered the ward and the sight that greeted them made Rachel gasp in surprise. They found it hard to believe that the girl who sat on the bed was really Celia.

Celia looked like she hadn't washed her hair, or anything else, in a very long time. Her hair was in large oily clumps and the rashes on her face made her look creepy. There was a strong pungent smell that wafted off her body. There was a faint smell of perfume, but it wasn't enough to completely mask the unpleasant smell.

"Celia! What happened to you?" Rachel exclaimed right away when she finally recognized Celia despite her wretched state.

Celia's face suddenly flushed like freshly-picked tomatoes. She turned her head down and stared at the floor in embarrassment. "You didn't have to come here, Rachel," she said in a soft tone of voice.

She felt herself crushed by the weight of embarrassment at her state as she faced her guests.

"We were talking on the phone, but you suddenly stopped speaking. A waiter from that coffee shop said that you were brought to the hospital. There was no way that we would not come here to check on you," Rachel explained patiently.

The smell became so unbearable inside the ward that Rachel was forced to pinch her nose. "What happened to your hair?" she asked as she pointed at her own hair.

Celia raised her head up slightly that revealed her sad eyes. She stared at Jack who stood next to Rachel. He had an emotionless face, but his gaze never left Rachel. Marcus stood at Jack's opposite side with a frown. "Can you two leave us for a while?" Celia asked Jack and Marcus in a gentle voice.

"No way!"

Jack and Marcus answered at the same time.

Jack didn't want to leave because Rachel was here, while Marcuse refused to leave because of Celia.

Celia knew that there was no escape for her, she had to explain what happened. She sighed as she bit her lips and thought about the best words to use to say what she had to say. "I wanted to find my Mr. Right."

Apparently, it all started two days ago after Celia left the hospital. She was fascinated to find out that Jack patiently waited for Rachel the entire evening.

She instinctively went to a local fortune teller and asked about her fate. She wanted to know when she'd meet a man who would love and protect her deeply.

Unexpectedly, the fortune teller frowned at her and shook his head. "It is truly unfortunate," he mumbled.

"What do you mean?" Celia asked in a worried tone of voice.

She suddenly became so nervous that her heart started to beat fast. "Can't I meet my one true love?"

The fortune teller sighed heavily before he replied, "Your fate is not very good. Even if you finally meet your true love, he will leave you in less than three months!"

"What?" Celia exclaimed. Rachel's laughter interrupted Celia's recounting of the events. "How could you trust the words of that charlatan?" she asked incredulously.

Celia understood Rachel's point as she nodded in regret. "The fortune teller said that if I wanted to break this fate, I must buy a special crystal bracelet and wear it for three months. During the same time, I am not allowed to wash my hair, bathe or eat meat. It was the only way..."

Rachel gently tapped her forehead with her hand in disbelief. She was completely speechless. She didn't know whether Celia was too naive or just stupid. Marcus initially thought that she might have been bullied by some mean individual. He found it hard to believe the true reason even after he heard it with his own ears.

He wanted to reach out to her to caress her head, but when he saw her hair that was in oily clumps, he decided against his initial plan. "This is so crazy yet so adorable at the same time," he said in disbelief.

"I'm not stupid. I was badly upset by some certain scene!" Celia looked at Jack and Rachel with eyes filled with frustration.

Rachel smiled and involuntarily placed her right hand at the back of her waist. "I am really worried about you, Celia. I'm afraid you'll be deceived one day."

"Don't worry, Rachel. I will look after her," Marcus interrupted in a husky and determined voice. He stared at her eyes steadily and then suddenly looked away. He never expected that he would utter those words that just came out of his lips.

Jack remained silent throughout the discussion. He was not in the mood to participate and simply maintained all of his focus on Rachel.

"Since Marcus is already here to help, I will get Rachel back home. Her waist is still not back to normal. She still can't remain standing for too long," Jack explained patiently.

Early autumn weather was always unpredictable. When Rachel left for the hospital, the sun was shining brightly in the sky. When they left the hospital, rain has started to fall from dark clouds that loomed in the sky.

Rachel sat snugly in the passenger seat. A waist cushion comfortably supported her back that Jack seemed to have pulled out from nowhere when they got into the car.

During the past two days, their relationship seemed to have improved somewhat and they both noticed this.

Jack turned his head towards Rachel and stared at her silently. She stared out at the scenery that passed by outside the window. He chuckled softly and asked, "Celia said she was badly upset by some certain scene. What was it?"

Rachel looked away as she asked, "Did you really stay outside my ward the entire night that day?"

The car suddenly screeched to a halt in the middle of the road.


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