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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 328

The two days of rest was effective in relieving the pain on her waist. Rachel stretched her waist and felt that she has recovered enough to return to her job at the hospital.

She was worried that she would become lazy if she lay down for even just a day more.

Unexpectedly, she received a call from the director before she could call him and notify him about her decision to return to work.

"How are you today, Rachel?" The director greeted her by asking about her condition as soon as she answered the call.

"It's almost completely healed. I'm okay to go back to work tomorrow," Rachel replied


"Don't worry about it. You can stay at home a few more days to fully recover," the director replied in a positive tone of voice.

His words left Rachel speechless. She wondered if the she was being given special treatment or not. She paused and thought of the most appropriate reply, but the director continued before she could say anything. "How are you at home these past few days? I have a paper that I have to publish in two days, but I have to go on a business trip tomorrow. So, I really have no time to modify it anymore."

There was a short pause before the director continued. "Do you think you can help me out with it?"

It turned out that he didn't call only because he cared about her health.

"Yes, of course. Please sent it to me."

"It would be quite simple, really. Just check for any incorrect words and then make any necessary changes to the references as needed."

It might sound like a simple task, but the workload was not that small.

However, since she had already promised that she would help, she would have to do it to the best of her ability.

She went to the study, turned on her computer and carefully read through the director's paper. Only by reading through it would she find any problems with it and correct them.

She didn't notice that she worked on the paper until midnight.

She had a good sleep after she worked on the paper until the ringing of her phone woke her up.

Rachel picked up the phone and answered it in a low voice, "Hello." The director's voice came from the other end of the call. He sounded so angry when he replied back to Rachel. "Where are you now, Rachel?"

"What can I do for you, Director?" Rachel replied as she rubbed her eyes. She worked on the computer for a long time and her eyes felt sore and uncomfortable even after some sleep.

The director snorted when he heard Rachel's voice. "Let me ask you this. Who else read my paper? Why is it now attached to Affiliated No.1 Hospital's Clark Zhao's paper?"

"No one. I'm the only one who read it," Rachel replied.

She was not stupid to allow anyone else to read the director's paper. Additionally, she didn't know Clark Zhao at all.

But the director did not believe her reply at all. "What do you mean, you didn't? You're the only person other than me who had a copy of my paper. But now it was published by that person under his name! It took me a lot of time and effort to complete this paper! I have never wronged you before and I have always treated you fairly. And this is the kind of thanks that I get from you, Rachel?"

"But, I didn't!"

Rachel replied despondently. It was all that she could say. She had no idea how his paper was leaked. As expected, Jack cancelled all of his afternoon appointments. As soon as he got out of his car, he saw a man in courier clothing who approached the front of Rachel's house. He held a sealed envelope in his hand.

Jack hurried to catch up to him and stopped him. "Is that a parcel for Rachel Shen? You can leave it with me."

The courier stopped and checked the name on the envelope and shook his head. "I can't. She needs to sign it in person."

Jack stayed quiet and didn't insist anymore. He watched the strange look on Rachel's face as she signed for the parcel. "What kind of letter is it?" he asked.

"It's a lawyer's letter," Rachel replied flatly. She handed him the letter and twisted her lips to one side. She never expected that the director would go so far as to sue her for plagiarism because his paper got leaked.

Jack frowned as he read the letter. "What really happened, Rachel? Why are you getting sued for plagiarism?"

She felt like there was a lump in her throat. She was in no mood to speak and explain herself. She took back the lawyer's letter from Jack, folded it a few times and placed it back into the envelope. She then sat on the sofa with an expressionless face.

She wondered what really caused the problem. However, she was absolutely sure that the problem did not come from her end. The only thing that she could think of was that there was a traitor around the director.

If that was the case, she should not take the blame for what happened.

Rachel dialed the director's number. And as she initially expected, the call was dropped.

She reached out her hand to Jack and said, "Lend me your phone. I need to make a call."

When she called using Jack's phone, the person on the other end of the call picked up the phone immediately. Before he could speak, Rachel said quickly, "Director, I never gave your paper to anyone. You're insisting that I plagiarized your paper without investigating first. Don't you think that it's unreasonable?"

Silence followed after Rachel finished speaking. The director did not reply back right away.

A few seconds later, Rachel finally heard his voice. "I'm not an unreasonable person. I gave you that important task because I trusted you. But you disappointed me, Rachel! Now, Clark Zhao is telling everyone that he wanted to thank you."

Rachel had no idea why Clark Zhao would say something like that to others. At that point, she was convinced that there was no reason for the director to lie to her. It seemed that she had fallen into a trap when she accepted that paper. However, she would never take responsibility for something that she never did. "I don't know why Clark Zhao is saying that, Director, but I really don't know him. Can you give me some time to investigate this?"

"That is out of the question!" the director replied in an agitated tone of voice.

"Are you going to just let the real plagiarist get away with what he did to you?" Rachel asked and took a deep breath to calm herself down.


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