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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 400

"You know I won't go back to Jack." Tears were welling up in Rachel's eyes. She bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying. But the next second, she pushed Bill away, rushed to the bathroom, squatted in front of the toilet. For the next few minutes, she was puking.

Bill quickly followed and patted her on the back. "Are you okay?" he asked in a caring tone.

"Much better," she replied although she looked very sick. Taking the tissue from his hand, Rachel wiped her mouth. Her face, which was originally bloodless, became even paler.

After rinsing her mouth, she put her hands in front of the wash basin to keep herself from falling down. She was overwhelmed by dizziness. "Bill, I don't want you wasting your time on me. I can't give you any promise."

Rachel chose to make it clear. She didn't want to leave any room for misunderstandings.

With a gloomy look in his eyes, Bill remained utterly silent. He helped Rachel out of the hospital.

It was getting quite dark. In a very secluded private club, Mr. Chen sat, his face turning red. Glaring fiercely at the person opposite to him, he shouted, "Didn't you agree to sell all the shares to me? Whom did you sell them to now?"

"I haven't found out yet." The man's trembling voice clearly showed he was afraid of Mr. Chen. After all, the latter was a man who was capable of doing anything.

At this moment, in a car outside the club, Jack was sitting in the back seat. He ordered in a low voice, "Drive back."

"Okay." When Austin started the car, his phone vibrated. Glancing at it, he caught sight of the caller's name. He turned to look at Jack who was sitting behind and said, "Mr. Fu, it's a message from Mr. Chen. He wants to know if you have any appointment tomorrow night."

"Tell him I am available." Jack's dark eyes were both cold and fierce.

The next day, Jack and Austin arrived at the restaurant at the prescribed time. As soon as they got out of the car, they saw Mr. Chen and his assistant standing at the door. Quickly, they came forward and said, "Mr. Fu, was the traffic too much? I wish I had been waited for you in the company so that both of us could have come here together."

His words were full of flattery. Jack smiled perfunctorily but did not make a reply.

Mr. Chen looked at him awkwardly. After sometime, he broke the silence once again and said, "The private room is ready. Let's go in." Then he led them into the restaurant along with his assistant.

Standing behind Jack, Austin whispered disdainfully, "Mr. Fu, I can't believe they are putting on this facade."

"Don't worry. We will eventually remove the mask off their faces." Jack patted Austin on the shoulder and smiled.

Several shareholders were sitting on the sofa in the private room. When they saw Jack come in, they all stood up. A fake smile was plastered on each one of their faces.

Austin was about to pull out the chair of the host's seat, but Mr. Chen took a step ahead and said, "Mr. Fu, please sit here."

Jack didn't refuse and sat down on the chair. His deep and long eyes turned cold, and the corners of his mouth parted a bit. Finally, he said, "Please don't stand. Take a seat, everybody!"

All of them wanted to step forward, but there was a hint of unwillingness on their face. Hearing his words, they pulled out their chairs and sat down. One of them was about to occupy the seat next to Jack, but Mr. Chen patted his shoulder and winked at him to find another seat. And now, the seat next to Jack remained empty.

Seeing this, Austin was puzzled. He wanted to speak up, but Jack motioned for him to have a seat. Having no choice, he obliged.

When the waitress saw that they were all seated, she went forward, setting up the table and preparing the tea. Right at this moment, the door was pushed open and a slender girl made an entry. She was clad in a black dress with her black hair hanging over her shoulders. Her watery eyes faintly exuded a demonic aura.

What surprised everyone was not how beautiful she was, but the stark resemblance she bore to Rachel. Austin let out a low gasp when he first saw her.

The closer she came, the wider Austin's eyes became.

The girl smoothed her hair, pretending like she couldn't see the shock in his eyes.

While all this happened, Jack was oblivious to everything. He looked down, his eyes glued to his phone. Mr. Chen realized he had to do something. Getting up, he led the girl to Jack and introduced, "Mr. Fu, this is my cousin, Scarlett Chen. I specially called her over tonight to accompany you for the dinner."

At this moment, Jack put down his mobile phone and looked up. His cold eyes suddenly became expressionless. Emotions were brewing in his heart, waiting to be exposed. But he wouldn't let his guard down today. His heart was trembling. 'How can she look so similar to Rachel?' he wondered in his heart. But he told himself this wasn't his Rachel. Rachel was like a lotus, free from mud. This woman was akin to the wild flower on the roadside, emitting a disgusting fragrance.

Austin had been staring at Jack. Seeing that Jack looked unmoved, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he heard his name popping out of Jack's mouth. "Austin, it occurred to me I have something important to do. My apologies to everyone for leaving. Have an enjoyable meal!"

Jack stood up and left.

Deep in his heart, he knew this woman wasn't Rachel. She merely held some resemblance to her. However, he couldn't bear to stay in the room where she remained. Her face would bring Rachel and her memories back to him. Moreover, he wasn't enjoying the night even a little bit. He was relieved to leave everything in Austin's hands.


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