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My Darling, My Dearest novel Chapter 447

Rachel's watchful eyes followed their retreating backs, and once they were far enough for her comfort, she stepped to the side and shook off Jack's hand. "You can go shopping by yourself. I'm going home."

"Where's the fun of shopping alone? Besides, if the baby knows that we brought the baby bed together, it would be really happy." Jack took advantage of the silence before Rachel could even try to refute him, and grasped her hand firmly again. Giving her much slimmer hand a warm squeeze, he led them towards the baby-care shop located downstairs.

Such displays were very much in line with Jack's character. He was the type of person who would never be bothered by stretches of awkward silences and judgmental glances. Even if Rachel kept her silence the entire day, he would find it easy to keep the one-sided conversation going.

Feeling a prickle of annoyance rush through her at Jack's actions, Rachel rolled her eyes. But when he saw, the edges of his lips tilted upwards in the form of a gentle smile and the fondness in his eyes only increased in intensity. There were no traces of anger towards her eyerolling. "I want the baby to listen to its father's voice more, so that it can recognize me the moment it is born." The minute Jack finished talking, a voice as clear as a summer day's stream pierced through the white noise of the chattering crowd. It was a sweet reprieve from the graceless voices that surrounded them, and when Rachel located the source of the voice, she saw Scarlett rushing down the escalator. Her clothes billowed in the breeze in her haste of trying to get to the pair. Upon reaching them, Scarlett wrapped her hands around Jack's arm in a death-like grip. "Jack, what are you doing here? Are you here to look for me?"

"Get off!" Jack didn't expect to bump into Scarlett during his trip to the mall with Rachel. Unease caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand up, vigilant against Scarlett's approach. He took a cautionary glance at Rachel subconsciously and averted his eyes quickly. The cogs in his head were whirring rapidly, trying to think of a solution out of the current sticky situation. He had seen the sliver of disgust in Rachel's eyes, her gaze fixed at the arm that was trapped by Scarlett's hands.

Another tight squeeze and his face darkened to the extent where it could be likened to the sky on a stormy day. His brows twitched in irritation and he did not expend any effort to hide the frostiness in his expression. "Scarlett, I thought I made it crystal clear to you. Get out of my sight!

"Get out?" Scarlett raised her head to take stock of Jack's frigid expression and moisture gathered at her eyes. She suddenly burst into howls of laughter and tears streamed down the corners of her eyes. She resembled a deranged madwoman as her previously melodious voice broke into pained whimpers. Hands trembling at Jack's aggression towards her, she reached out again to pull on his sleeves, and said in a tone that was clear she wouldn't accept his rejection, "Jack, I'm not a robot. I'm a person, and I have feelings too. We obviously were deeply in love, how can we break up just because you said so?"

The quarrel between them was not silent, nor did any of them try to keep their voices down. The cacophony of their argument drew the attentions of others, and soon, shop attendants previously busy with their tasks streamed out of their shops to witness the spectacle. They stood in front of their respective stores, not daring to stray too far in fear of being told off by their superiors, but their curiosity pushed them out. Whispers started, and Rachel's sharp ears caught onto certain words, like "mistress" and "love triangle." Her face flushed from being in the center of attention, shame and

embarrassment dyeing her skin a color similar to a tomato's.

Her hand darted out of Jack's warm grip like a startled deer and she quickly schooled her expression into one of indifference. "You guys can take your time. I'm going to leave now. I won't disturb you."

She didn't see much reason to stay where she was, nor did she like being the subject of gossip. She had experienced enough shame for the whole year. Jack's empty hand reached out in her direction, his heart yearning to catch up with her, but he relented. He understood that the current situation was indeed not suitable for such an action, as it would only fuel the gossip further. His attention returned to Scarlett and he said coldly, "Stop your crying. Come with me!"

After finding a relatively quiet place devoid of prying eyes and mouths that only spewed gossip, Jack finally looked at Scarlett, who was sobbing non-stop, her cries getting ever louder. It was as if she enjoyed having people watch her disgraceful conduct! There was not a trace of pity for the woman in Jack's heart, but only disgust.

"Scarlett, I have already made myself very clear to you. If you do this again, you know the consequences."

As he said this, Jack's face remained

expressionless, not bothered at all by Scarlett's bawling. His voice was equally as cold as his demeanor towards her.

Scarlett was stunned silent. She had just come out of the clothing store and went around the mall asking several shops, but their answers were the same. She wasn't allowed to return her clothes.

She had been looked down upon by many shop assistants during her trip. Sneers and whispers hounded her as she exited the shops, her clothes still in her possession. Being at the receiving end of such treatment, it made her feel defeated.

But she would never have thought in her wildest dreams that she would see Jack being with Rachel.

She was dumbfounded by the warmth and gentleness that radiated off Jack as he talked to the woman beside him. Resentment washed over her. She had never seen this side of him before!

Her mind was going crazy as her thoughts tortured her. When had he ever been so gentle and caring towards her? No, she couldn't think of one time she had received a thread of kindness from him.

From beginning to end of their relationship, it was her who went to her wit's end to try to please him. The hours she thought of ways to make him smile, make him happy were all useless. Jack had never even bothered to look at her!

When she came to her senses, shaking off the unpleasantness that came from her thoughts, she was already holding Jack's arm. Her body had moved without thinking.

Emboldened by the weight of his hand in hers, Scarlett took two steps forward, wanting to get closer to the man. But when she saw the look in his eyes, she froze like a deer in headlights. She retraced her steps, putting some distance between them.

She looked at him almost pleadingly, her doe-like eyes darted left and right as she tried to memorize the man she was looking at. "Jack, I don't want anything. I'm just asking for you to let me stay by your side. Don't drive me away, please?"

Jack's gaze didn't even meet hers and without a word, he left Scarlett standing alone, facing an empty space where she wanted him to be. He had just wanted to stop the gossiping, nothing more, nothing less. Only Rachel occupied his mind.

After stepping through the automatic doors of the mall, Rachel stood to the side as she tried to plan her next steps. Since Jack had asked for leave for her, she should just directly head home instead of going to the hospital.

Her belly had grown in size over the last few months and after an hour's of shopping, she felt exhausted. She stumbled around her room and into her bed, sighing as her back hit the softness of the mattress. Not a second later, the bedroom door opened slowly from the outside. It was Jack. With a flattering smile on his lips, he asked, "Are you feeling better, Rachel? I just passed by a dessert shop and bought your favorite dessert. Would you like to have a taste?"

"No, thanks. I want to rest now." Rachel slowly lay down back onto her bed.

He still came in regardless, the dessert in his hands. He put them down gently on the side and asked, "Did you take a taxi back just now?" His voice was quiet and soothing. Rachel yawned and asked in faux confusion, "So I should come back on foot instead then?"

"Rachel, don't worry. This kind of thing won't happen again." He bent over and gently tucked her in, arranging the duvet so that it fell comfortingly across her body. During this, he didn't notice the expression that flashed on Rachel's face.

After finally deeming Rachel was properly tucked in, Jack stood by the bed silently for a moment or two, thinking hard. "It was my fault for what happened at the mall. Can you forgive me?"


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