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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1584

"Let me think about it." Kylin replied.

Selina nodded. "You really should."

After Kylin left, Selina paced around her room anxiously.

Kylin had told her that he had seen Tremaine picking up Yesseca.

This was a bad sign.

Yesseca hadn't listened to her and instead gotten closer to Tremaine.

Selina was about to call Yesseca over the phone, but after considering it, decided not to.

She felt like a concerned parent worrying over a child. In this situation, the more she worried about Yesseca, the further she slipped away. She had to think about this carefully.

Matthew came back in the evening.

Selina immediately told him everything.

She talked about all her anxieties and the thoughts she had tangled in her head.

Matthew patted her belly comfortingly. "Sweetheart, bear in mind that you're pregnant. You shouldn't worry too much."

"How can I? I'm so worried about Yesseca!" She added, "I can ignore everything else in the world, but not this."

She grabbed Matthew's hand and said, "Hurry up and help me think of a way for Kylin to get with Yesseca. We also need to get Yesseca and Tremaine to stop seeing each other."

Matthew's eyes looked heavy.

He felt that Selina was getting even more intense.

He had reminded her about this several times before, but she had only been getting worse.

Matthew felt that he needed to have another talk with her again.

He sat her on the edge of the bed and looked into her eyes. "Selina, didn't I tell you that Yesseca can make her own decisions? You've said you'd stay out of it, but it seems like you're interfering in her private life."

"I worry that she'll get cheated!"

"How would that happen to her?"

"Tremaine only wants her to be his son's stepmother. Isn't getting married to a divorced man being cheated out of her life?"

"Did Tremaine tell you that he wants Yesseca to be his son's stepmother?"

Selina was speechless.

Matthew whispered, "So he didn't actually say it. Luckily, even if he actually wants to, he wouldn't be cheating her. With his status and position, countless young women want to marry him. If he chose Yesseca, that means he really likes her."

"Matthew! You've already said that before, but as I've said Tremaine has a very complicated history and has been married before. If Yesseca actually marries him, she'll be in a lot of trouble. I just want Yesseca to live a simple and happy life!"

"She can decide for herself. You can't tell anyone how to live their life, Selina. She needs to experience the ups and downs of life. You can give her advice, but that's a road only she can walk. Haven't you realized that Yesseca hasn't been visiting us as often anymore?"

This startled Selina.

Matthew sighed and added, "Don't panic. Yesseca still loves you like a sister. Just like a child that loves their parents. When a parent starts to nag too much, that child wouldn't want to be at home."

Selina was speechless. "Don't use that analogy. It makes me feel like I'm Yesseca's mother. Make me sound old."

Matthew pinched Selina's nose. "Darling, can't you see you're already behaving like one? Listen to me. If you continue to interfere with Yesseca's life, you will only push her farther and farther away. Let her live her own life."

"But what if she makes the wrong choice?"

"That would be her own choice. Besides, who can ever be sure about their own lives? Think about what I've said. Stop butting into her life, and Kyi in's as well. If Kyi in wants to leave, you should let him leave. Don't force him to stay."

Matthew added, "Back then, after what happened with Saoirse, I was worried that your mother wouldn't agree with us being together. Imagine how you might have felt, if your own mother insisted that you have to leave me and go be with another man?"

Selina's mind exploded at this revelation.

All the concerns and worries in her mind just collapsed.

She murmured, "Have I done something wrong?"

Matthew nodded. "Yes."

Selina's mind was a mess.

Matthew patted her head. "Alright, don't worry about it. It's late. Let's go to bed."


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