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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 835

However, these words were now of no use to Missha, whose emotions were already extremely volatile.

Matthew's comforting did not work on her at all.

She was still very agitated.

As the rims of her eyes reddened, she asked Matthew, "Why hasn't Reid come to see me?"

Meanwhile, Matthew suddenly took something out and gave it to Missha.

"Missha, this is for you." Matthew handed the object in his hands to Missha.

Missha opened the box and was stunned.

It was a box of biscuits.

Missha's eyes suddenly lit up. "These are my favorite biscuits. Reid must have asked you to bring it to me, right? It must be Reid that asked you to give these to me."

Missha said excitedly.

Matthew's gaze wavered. He neither admitted nor denied it.

Although Missha was still agitated, her mood improved significantly. She had escaped from her shroud of negativity and was now relatively positive.

She said excitedly, "I knew it, I knew Reid still cared for me in his heart. He's just busy and doesn't have the time to see me. He even asked Matthew to bring me biscuits."

Looking at Missha's excited look, Dylan felt a twinge of sadness and irony.

He knew that it was impossible for Reid to have asked Matthew to bring that box of biscuits. Reid didn't have a shred of kindness in him. Matthew was just using this box of biscuits to comfort Missha.

However, Missha was so gullible that she really thought it was from Reid.

Missha was comforted by that box of biscuits. She was already mentally unstable in the first place. After that outburst just now, she felt drained after having calmed down. Thus, Dylan got her to take a rest.

When she laid down in bed, she was still holding on tightly to that box of biscuits that she had mistakenly assumed to be a gift from Reid.

Dylan found it to be an eyesore.

A few moments later, he exited the room just as Matthew was preparing to leave.

"Matthew, are you going already?" Dylan asked.

He had a naturally hoarse voice.

Matthew nodded. "Take good care of your mother."

"Matthew, you really don't have to do this." Dylan's voice was then laced with sarcasm as he said, "Reid himself couldn't be bothered about the wellbeing of my mother, so really, there's no need for you to do so in his stead."

Although Dylan wasn't a part of the Perry family, he knew that the two brothers, Matthew and Reid, were not on good terms.

To start with, there was a huge age gap between them, with Reid being much older than Matthew.

Secondly, their personalities were vastly different.

Reid was ruthless, and he would not give up until he had achieved his goal.

As for Matthew...

Since he was doing rather well in the business world, he was certainly no saint. However, he was undoubtedly much better than many others.

He had a charming personality, and he also had a bottom line for everything.

Matthew's eyes flashed with emotion. "You don't have to think too much about it. Mr. Whitlock once told me that Reid had let your mother down, and wanted me to take good care of her."

Then, he took out a gold card and handed it to Dylan. "This card is for you. It is the living expenses for you and your mother."

Dylan immediately rejected the offer.

"Matthew, it's okay. I don't need it."


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