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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 836

"Is Bali beautiful? Is it fun?" asked Selina.

"It sure is beautiful and fun. Selina, you have to come if you have the time."

A wave of emotions flashed through Selina's eyes, and she sighed. "I do want to go, and I wanted Dylan to bring me. Can you guess what he said?"


"He said he was so poor that he couldn't even bring me to Hesovo Island, not to mention Bali."

Natalie was speechless.

Selina said in self-mockery, "I'm a rich woman, but he's so prideful to the point that he refuses to use a woman's money. He said that he will work hard to let me live the life of a noble lady that I deserve. Natalie, do you think that's realistic?"

"I don't think it's unrealistic. A lot of things can change with time. They say you should never bully a poor man for you'll never know when luck may favor him. Selina, don't you think so too?" replied Natalie.

After listening to Natalie's words, Selina became more hopeful.

She nodded strongly. "You're right. Maybe these naive thoughts of mine might come true. As human beings, we must always have goals."

At that point, she stopped and said, "I seem to have taken up too much of your time. Tobias might get upset. Let's end our conversation here Natalie. Do enjoy your honeymoon with my brother."

"It's fine, he won't be upset. We can continue talking," Natalie said as she laughed.

In spite of Natalie's reassurance, Selina decided to hang up anyway. "No, no. I mustn't impose. I don't want to be boring. Let's talk next time."

She hung up after that.

Hearing the beeping tone through the phone, ripples flashed past Natalie's eyes.

Shortly after, she went to the hotel lobby.

"Done with your call?" Tobias asked as he stared at Natalie with a smile.

He was sitting on the sofa, emanating a noble aura.

Natalie sat down next to Tobias, who took advantage of the situation and circled his arms around her waist.

"Just now, Selina mentioned Dylan again," Natalie said.

The expression on Tobias' face suddenly turned rigid.

Natalie noticed it.

She looked directly at Tobias. "I tried to dissuade Selina, but she said something that made me pause. She asked if I would have still liked you if you were in the same situation as Dylan."

Tobias' gaze suddenly deepened.

Natalie said with certainty, "I think I would. I would still have fallen for you. So, let's all wish for Selina's happiness. Nothing on this earth can stop love. What we can do is give them our blessing. Don't you think so?"

The look in Tobias' grew more profound.

A moment later, she was suddenly fully wrapped up in Tobias' embrace. "Natalie, you are right. Nothing in this world can stop love. Therefore, all we can do is hope for the best for her."

Natalie instantly felt like she was shrouded in a comforting warmth, and it made her feel at ease.

She was much happier and luckier compared to Selina.

She wished that some of her luck would rub off onto Selina so that she too could be increasingly blessed and happy.

Meanwhile, Selina received a task.

Cecilia had asked her to go drop by Matthew's house.

Every year, the Whitlock family would prepare a gift for each of their friends or relatives. Matthew could also be considered as someone close to the Whitlock family, so he was no exception.

Most of the gifts could be delivered by servants, but Matthew was different. Firstly, despite his youthful age, his status was important enough to warrant special treatment. Secondly, he had a close relationship with Tobias.

Tobias was usually the one to send the gift. However, Tobias was currently unavailable.

Members of the upper class had always been particular when it came to matters regarding seniority. As an elder, Cecilia couldn't personally send it to Matthew. Since Tobias wasn't around, Selina was the only one who could do it.

When Selina heard that she had to deliver the gift to Matthew, the corner of her mouth twitched.

Back then she hadn't had much of an impression of Matthew. She simply thought of him as a goodlooking man.


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