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Planned Baby novel Chapter 68

“What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, I’m not fine. My daughter hates me now. It’s all your fault.”

Ellie hates me and I can’t blame her. It was my mistake who took away the lives of the people close to her... Ellie’s only family.

Because of me, Ellie became an orphan. She needs to take on difficulties and responsibilities at an early age. I am proud of how strong she became but I am also mad at myself because she could have avoided this kind of loneliness and hardship if it wasn’t for me.

I keep on questioning myself why did I do that?! Why did I try to beat the red light?! I should have waited! I was able to wait for her for five years, but why can’t I wait for a minute or two?

If I stop and wait for the green signal then her parents will be able to attend their only daughter’s graduation and still be alive until now.

I wish I could turn back the time but I know I can’t. All I can do right now is to support Ellie and help her as much as I could. I will no longer dream of having her in my life because I don't deserve her. I will only remind her of her parent's accidental death. And I know that she will never accept me anymore.

When Ellie left the mansion, she was so emotional. She even asked our son to stay in the mansion and comfort her sister.

I got worried because of her emotional state. I followed her. I want to be sure that she will be home safe.

But I furrowed when I noticed that the way she was headed was not on the way to her home. I just shrugged and continue to follow her.

When I got familiar with the place, I already got an idea of where she planned to go. She will go visit her parents in their mausoleum.

When her car stop, I park my car somewhere near their mausoleum. I saw her crying while entering the place. Her eyes are already swollen from crying. I was thankful that she was able to drive despite her state.

I don’t know what came to me, I just found myself getting inside the mausoleum. I am familiar with the design of this place. It looks like one of Cabello’s mansions. I am sure that Ellie was the one who designs this.

This is her way of making her parents feel at home in this place. She loves her parents that much. Again guilt consumed me.

I continued to walk until I saw Ellie lying down on her mom’s grave. I can hear her sobbing.

“Mom,” Ellie’s voice broke.

I did my best not to create any sound. I know she will push me away if she will saw me now.

“My daughter hates me. She doesn’t want to listen to my explanation. She thought that I take them away from their father. I should have made Hadley shut up and drive her away instead of listening to her delusion.”

My forehead creased. Hadley was the reason again?! When can that woman stop her schemes?! I can’t take that anymore. She was making the situation more difficult for Ellie.

“Mom, Dad, I should have not planned to have a baby, nor a family. My children are suffering because of my selfishness. Being hated by my daughter is the worst feeling. I don't know if she will still give me a chance to explain myself to her.”

“But mom, dad, I can’t say that I regret having them. Because Alistair and Amelia completed me when I feel so broken because I lost the both of you. I keep on telling myself to stop being selfish but my children are the best thing that happened to me. And I can’t regret that.”

“Mom, Dad, please help me to reconcile with them. Help me to be a good mother to them.”

I just kept on listening to all Ellie’s rants to her parents. It pains me to see her suffering like this. And I know it’s all my fault. My past mistakes lead us to this suffering.

When I noticed that Ellie was already asleep, I carried her and brought her to the room upstairs so she can sleep well.

“Sleep well, my love. I promise you, that I will do everything to lessen your pain. I will get rid of the people who keep bugging you and I will help you reconcile with your daughter. I will do everything for you, my love. I love you so much.”

After I settled Ellie in the room, I went out of the mausoleum and went straight to Adelson's mansion.

I know it’s already late but I don’t have more time left. I need to get rid of her now.

Hadley didn’t have a second thought about having me in their mansion. She was already in bed when the maid informed her about my sudden visit.

“What brings you here Kade?” Hadley asked with excitement.

I look at her coldly. “When will you stop your scheme?” I asked in a menacing voice.

Hadley looks confused for a moment. “What are you saying? I can’t understand you.”

“You went to Ellie’s office. And because of that my child and Ellie have a misunderstanding. Am I right?” I asked her directly.


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