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Planned Baby novel Chapter 66

“Hi, Ellie. Amelia called me and she wants me to take her to the mansion.” Karma explained when I was the one who opened the door for her.

I just nodded and I open the door widely for her to come in.

I showed her to the twins’ room. I saw both of them sitting on their respective bed. But Amelia has a bag with her, looking determined to leave me.

I controlled my tears from falling. I know I messed up big time. I guess they are better to stay in Escarrer mansion than be with me. I was still mourning for my parents.

I was not able to mourn for them before because things happened so quickly that I find it hard to absorb everything.

I was in denial for years. I don’t want to accept the reality. I pretended that everything is alright and nothing has changed. I took over the company as soon as the funeral was over.

I took as many workloads as I could so that when I went home I don't have time to think of anything and just sleep.

I have been doing that for many years until one day my desire to have a family came into my mind that leads to my encounter with Ulie. And the rest is history.

When Ulie confessed to me what really happened, the pain that I tried so hard to hide got exposed. And I was not able to control it.

The pain and betrayal consumed me.

“Alistair, are you sure you want to stay here?”

I was back from reality when I heard Kaela’s question to Alistair.

“You will stay here?” I asked Alistair a bit confused.

Alistair gave an assuring smile. “I already told you, mom, that you will always have my back. I will never leave you. I will always stay with you.”

The tears that I was trying hard to control flow. I went to Alistair and hug him. “Thank you for staying my son.”

Then I heard Kaela’s cough. I look in their direction. I saw Amelia looking at me.

“Do you still want to go with me?” Kaela asked Amelia.

Amelia still looks at me as if she was waiting for something.

I honestly want to stop her but I know she misses his dad so much. Even if I hate Ulie to death, I still want him to be a father to my children. That is the reason why I don’t want the kids to know the exact reason for our breakup.

I wanted to protect his image not for him but for my children.

Amelia sighed and turn his look to her Auntie Kaela. “I want to be with dad.” She said.

Kaela pat her head and nodded. “If that’s what you want.”

Kaela took her bag and went to me. “We will go now. Ellie, I want you to know that you are always welcome in the mansion. You can visit Amelia anytime.”

I just nodded at her and didn't give any answer.

I feel awkward talking to them. I don’t know if I should be mad at them or not. I know that they know nothing about my parent's involvement with Ulie. But maybe I was a bit angry by the fact that they chose to keep the truth to Ulie.

I can’t blame them for wanting their son to live a normal life. But what about me? What about my parents?

I don’t know exactly what I want Ulie to do. I don’t know if I want him in jail or what. My mind is still in chaos. All I know right now is that I am angry at him.

“I think Amelia is waiting for you to stop her,” Alistair said after Kaela and Amelia left.

“You think so?” I asked.

Alistair nodded. “I’m sure. She’s my twin. I know exactly how she thinks.”

“But I feel like she should be with your dad. I am afraid that if she stays with me, she might hate me more.” I told him.

Alistair is more mature than Amelia. I understand why Ulie chose to explain things only to Alistair. The reason why I chose to let Amelia be with her father. Ulie can handle her well.

The next day Ulie and I were in the headline again. I was not surprised though. I already expected this to happen.

The headline is about our rumored breakup. I hire a bodyguard for Alistair because for sure the media will flock on them. And I don’t want my children to deal with them.

I instructed the bodyguard before I drive them to school.

“Alistair protect your sister okay?” I said when he was about to get out of the car.

“Don’t worry mom. I got this. You should be careful too. Media will surely be at your office all day. Don’t eat outside. Just order your food and have them send in your office.”

I chuckled as I listen to his instruction.

“Mom, I’m serious,” Alistair said while pouting his lips.


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