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Power of Money novel Chapter 1055

It was pitch-black.

Everything in front of him was pitch-dark.

After advancing for nearly two hours, the last flashlight in Jason's hand emitted a weak light, flashed twice, and finally extinguished.

"Damn it. The temperature here is too low. Even the special flashlight can't withstand it."

Jason threw the flashlight on the ground and couldn't help shaking his body.

It was too cold.

Even though Jason was wearing the last set of cold clothes, his constitution had far surpassed that of an ordinary person. After reaching this level in the ancient layer of ice, his body had already begun to feel a very dense layer of cold air...his gloves and clothes had even begun to be covered in a layer of frost. It was not hard to imagine that a small portion of the skin on his face that had been exposed in the air should have been covered with a thin layer of ice by now.

Roland threw the flashlight on the ground and made a "click-clack" sound, which was the end of his mission.

However, it was a good thing that the weather tonight was not bad.

Aurora light fell on the quiet and ancient ice-sealed earth.

Although these rays of light could not directly shine into the cracks of the ice layer, the ice layer itself was transparent and formed a natural reflection. The colorful rays of light refracted into the interior from the night sky, so that Jason could more or less see the road ahead and not get lost here.

"We're almost there."

Jason dragged an ice-breaking device and a sensor, moving forward with all his strength.

Although he could not see the specific position of the meteorite fragments, he could feel that the distance between them was getting closer through his increasingly wild heartbeat.

They were getting closer and closer...

It was not until Jason felt that all the blood in his body was about to boil that he stopped. After throwing away the ice-breaking device, he raised the detector in his hand, and used the faint green light on the screen to get close to the ice around him to illuminate the scene around him.

"Here it is!"

Suddenly, Jason's heart skipped a beat, and he almost fainted from excitement.

Because by the light of the detector, he could clearly see a black stone about the size of a fist of an adult man lying quietly in the ice, emitting a faint luster that was hard to detect.

At this time, the detector in his hand also issued a harsh alarm, and then "snap". The green light on the detector screen went out, and the whole machine was completely scrapped.

"It's been nineteen years, and the radiation is still so serious?"

Jason's heart skipped a beat, but he immediately realized that this radiation seemed to be useless to him.


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